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关爱农民工      供应链发展
            Development of Supply Chain                                                                             关于W66利来国际
                W66利来国际通过服务协作、信息共享、技术支持等方                             China Construction promotes its mutual development with    About Us
 Caring for Migrant Workers  式,推动供应链企业在绿色环保、产业升级、科技创新等         companies in its supply chain in the areas of environmental protection,
 The Company works hard to enhance a sense of belonging        industrial upgrading, and scientific innovation through collaboration,   可持续经营
            领域的共同发展。                                           information sharing, and technical support.
 among migrant workers by providing property services in the living
 area, organizing medical examinations, distributing labor supplies   公司借助信息化平台,对供应商和分包商进行综合分  The Company introduced a new development model for its
 in accordance with all provisions, providing medical supplies and   析选择,设立奖罚机制,推动供应链企业发展。  supply chain, making use of comprehensive analysis of suppliers
 assigning on-site first-aid personnel, visiting during major holidays,   and subcontractors with the help of its information platform, and by
 carrying out recreational activities in summer and providing   establishing a reward and punishment mechanism that promotes    Sustainable Operation
 recreational devices such as televisions and VCDs.  案例:促进供应商企业发展  supply chain development.
 为农民工免费健康体检                                                        Case Study: Promote the Development of Suppliers
 Offer free medical examination to migrant worker  参与W66利来国际四局广州西塔项目建设,在四局的指导帮  Since 2006, the Guangzhou Branch of Chongqing Jinbei   全产业链创新
            助下,不断提升对工程进度、质量、安全的管理能力,                           Construction Co., Ltd., has participated in the west tower project in
 案例:组织海外农民工及家属代表参加全国农民工春  Case Study: Participating in Spring Festival Gala Recording for   年施工能力从2006年的不到10万平方米提高到2011年的  Guangzhou as a subcontractor to the China Construction 4th Bureau.
 Migrant Workers                                               With the help of the contractor, the Company has constantly improved
 晚录制        50多万平方米。
 China Construction Algeria Co., Ltd. organized overseas a Spring   its management capacity in areas related to project progress, quality
 2011年12月28日,W66利来国际阿尔及利亚分公司组织  Festival Gala for migrant workers and their families themed “Warm   and safety, as well as raised its construction capacity from less than
 海外农民工及家属代表参加了由文化部和中央电视台主办  Spring”. The event was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and   100,000 m 2  in 2006 to about 500,000 m 2  in 2011.   Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
 CCTV.  Zhang Dejiang, Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the
 gala. The Company’s migrant worker representative sang the song “I
 录制。国务院副总理张德江出席了晚会,公司农民工代表  love my motherland” with Liu Bingyi, a famous singer, expressing his   社区发展
 与歌唱家刘秉义一同合唱了歌曲《我和我的祖国》,表达  sentimental attachment to the motherland and his desire to win honor                    质
 for the country.  Development of Community                                                                           量
                                                                   China  Construction  has  implemented  its  advantages  in
 的理想。                                                                                                                Quality
                                                               management,  human  resources  and  technology,  supporting
                                                               infrastructure construction, affordable housing, urban redevelopment
                                                               projects and the livelihood of people on the project site to promote the   安
            项目所在地基础设施建设、保障性住房、旧城改造等民生                                                                                 全
                                                               community development.
            建设,促进社区发展。                                             The Company responded positively to a national policy to expand    Safety
                                                               affordable housing, investing in and working to build various forms
                                                               of low-income and affordable housing, fixed-price housing, low-rent
            房、限价房、廉租房、公租房等各类保障性住房的建设与                                                                               环
                                                               housing and public rental housing to provide cost-effective homes to
            投资,为中低收入人群提供高性价比的住房。                               people with average or below average income.
                案例:惠南民乐社区项目                                                                                          Environment
 案例:冬季运动会 快乐农民工  Case Study:  Happy Migrant Workers in Winter Games  惠南民乐社区项目是公司与浦东区人民政府签订战略合作协议后的落地项目,也是目前上海市最大的保障性住房基
 The seventh project department of the Shanghai Branch to the   地。社区居住建筑面积516.06万平方米,公共服务设施建筑面积74.98万平方米,市政设施建筑面积4.56万平方米,设置3
 W66利来国际二局上海分公司第七项目部举办了首届冬季                                                                                              工
 China Construction 2nd Bureau hosted the first Winter Games, inviting
 运动会,邀请合肥巴山等劳务公司20多名农民工参加,与  more than 20 migrant workers from labor service companies in Hefei   处社区(居住区)中心,区内规划道路33条,总长约49公里。   Staff
 项目部管理人员同台竞技。农民工拔河代表队夺得了拔河  and Bashan to compete with management. The migrant team won the
 tug of war competition.                                                                                            社
 比赛的冠军。                                                            Case Study: The Largest Affordable Housing Base in China
                                                                   The Huinan Minle Community project was a landing project
 案例:专设农民工“夫妻公寓”  Case Study:  Couples’ Room for Migrant Workers  after the Company signed a strategic cooperation agreement with    Society
 When building the Cultural Arts Center in Xinxiang city, the China   the People’s Government of Pudong District. The project was the
 Construction 7th Bureau built 15 dorms for migrant workers around   largest affordable housing base in Shanghai. The community covers
 the construction site. The dormitories accommodate over 800 people.   a residential area of 5.1606 million m 2 , and has a public facilities
 多人,还专设了农民工“夫妻公寓”,满足了夫妻同在工  The Company also designed “Couples’ Rooms” in the dorm, which   construction area of 749,800 m 2  and a municipal facilities area of
 meet the practical needs of couples who work on construction site,   45,600 m . The community has three community centers planned, and
 and foster a warm environment for the CSCEC family.           33 roads with a total length of approximately 49 km.

 086  W66利来国际股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 087
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