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合规·诚信·增长 筑股东价值之梦
            Compliance • Integrity • Development  Realizing the Shareholders’ Dream of Value

            合规管理                                               Compliance Management                                               商业道德                                               Business Ethics
                                                                  We regard compliance as an important part of daily operation,                                                          Under the principle of “management involvement, institution
                W66利来国际将合规作为日常运营的重要部分,以企业总法律                                                                                                W66利来国际按照 “融入管理、完善制度、注重创新”的工作原
                                                               and have established a legal work system with the general counsel                                                      improvement and innovation encouragement”, we do a lot to fight
            顾问制度为核心,构建法律工作体系,支撑公司经营管理;                         system as the core, to support the management and governance        则,通过推进惩防体系建设、严格执行党风廉政建设责任制、                        corruption and build a clean government such as build a system of
            通过法律管理信息化、标准化建设,普法教育,合同管理                          of the company. We keep promoting compliance system and             深化廉洁文化建设等反腐倡廉工作,实现“规范企业行为,净                        punishment and prevention, strictly implement the accountability
                                                               cultivating compliance culture by carrying out information-based                                                       of an honest and clean government and further the probity culture,
            培训等活动持续推进合规体系建设,培育合规文化;积极                          law management, standardized construction, popularization of law    化企业环境,服务社会发展”的目标。全年开展反腐倡廉教育                        to achieve the aim of “standardizing enterprise behaviors, making a
            推进法律管理制度标准化工作,编制 4 部管理手册和 10 类                     education, contract management training and more. We actively       活动 4,339 场次,参加人数 123,727 人次。                       clean enterprise environment and serving the social development”.
                                                               promote the standardized law management system and compile four                                                        We carried out 4,339 educational activities on the theme of fighting
                                                               management manuals and ten contract model texts written, having                                                        corruption and building a clean government with 123,727 participants
            作全面覆盖法律业务管理,为公司运营管理提供重要数据                          met the standardization requirements of legal management. What’s                                                       in total.
                                                               more, our information-based work covers all the management
            支持。全年未发生重大违规事件。                                                                                                        2011、2012 和 2013 年廉洁文化建设具体行动
                                                               on legal services and provides data support for operation and
                W66利来国际建立项目法律顾问制度,逐步实现国内项目法律风                       management. Not a single offense event has ever occurred during     Measures to build a corruption-free culture in 2011, 2012 and 2013
                                                               the whole year.
            险管理全面覆盖。2013 年,W66利来国际在海外试点推行项目法律顾
                                                                  We have established law-consulting system for projects and         廉洁文化建设具体行动
            问制度,探索将国内已成熟运行的项目法务管理经验推广至                         gradually make the system cover all risks in the domestic projects. In   Measures to Build a Corruption-free Culture               2011       2012       2013
                                                               2013, we carried out law-consulting system overseas as pilot projects
            公司海外项目,最大程度降低公司海外项目的法律风险。                                                                                                廉洁文化建设示范点立项(个)                                               245        421        1,266
                                                               and explored how to apply our legal management experience in          Items demonstrating the importance of building a corruption-free culture(items)
                                                               domestic market to the overseas projects so as to minimize the law
            内部审计和风险管理                                                                                                                警示案例教育(人次)                                                   20, 521    34,081     56,630
                                                               risks of overseas projects.                                           Education campaigns with warning cases(person-time)
                                                               Internal Audit and Risk Management                                    签订党风廉政责任书(份)                                                 25         35         38
            局视角审视公司业务发展,充分发挥内部审计在风险管控                             Centering core business and management requirements,               Signing a“Letter of Responsibility on Building a Corruption-free Culture”( copies)
            和管理提升方面的作用,逐步形成以风险为导向的审计工                          we tighten supervision through auditing. We view our business         各级领导人员实行廉洁承诺(人次)                                             8,636      9,767      17,085
                                                                                                                                     Anti-corruption commitments of all leaders(person-time)
                                                               development from the overall perspective, make the best of internal
            作特征。2013 年,公司开展审计项目 687 个,通过信息系                    audit to control risks, improve management and gradually develop      领导人员述职述廉(人次)                                                 3,950      5,429      5,969
                                                                                                                                     Leadership dialogue on the promotion of an anti-corruption culture(person-time)
            统实现审计问题整改的常态化,将重要审计对象、重大审                          a risk-oriented auditing work. In 2013, our enterprise finished 687
                                                               auditing items. Though normalizing the rectification of information
                                                               system audit, we submitted significant audit objects and severe
            审计成果的管理转化。                                         problems to the Oversight Committee in order to draw attention,
                                                               raise awareness and help auditing results better transform into
                W66利来国际根据公司运营特点,收集和确定重大风险类型和                                                                                            信息公开                                               Information Disclosure
            风险来源,设立风险评估标准,评估风险发生的可能性和                             We collect and identify major risk types and risk resources, set     W66利来国际坚持“沟通创造价值”的理念,全方位完善投资者                          We stick to the concept of “communication creates value”, improve
                                                               risk assessment standards and evaluate the risk possibility and its                                                    investor relation system on all fronts, make the best of performance
            相应的影响程度,引入分级预警和应急响应机制,建立防                                                                                              关系工作体系,充分利用业绩路演、反路演、接待机构来访、
                                                               corresponding significance. We also build early warning system and                                                     promotion activities and inviting-in promotion activities, receive the visits
            范和减缓措施。2013 年,W66利来国际制定《海外法律风险管理指                       emergency response mechanism and take precaution and mitigation     参加投资者策略会等多种互动方式,与投资者保持有效的沟通                        of agencies, participate in investors’ exchange meetings to communicate
            引》,从市场进入、市场营销、合同签署、项目履约到争                          measures. In 2013, we formulated Guidance to Overseas Law Risk      和交流,提高资本市场对公司价值的认知。在发布公司年报、                        with investors effectively and raise the awareness of enterprise value
                                                              Control covering all the law risks in overseas business in the fields                                                   among capital markets. Based on the issuing of annual, semi-annual
            议解决,全面梳理海外经营的法律风险,并提供全过程的                          of market access, marketing, contract signing, project performance   半年报、季报的基础上,W66利来国际还针对投资者编制专题报告,持                       and quarterly reports, we complied report intended for investors, keep
            应对方案。                                              and issue settlement and providing the whole-process response       续拓宽信息披露渠道,丰富信息披露内容与形式。                             expanding the channels of information disclosure and diversify the
                                                               program.                                                                                                               contents and reforms of information disclosure.
                                                                                                                                       2013 年,W66利来国际共披露公司信息 96 份,社会公众平均                      In 2013, we issued 96 pieces of reports to make enterprise information
             案例 CASE                                                                                                                                                                  public. Every 2 trading days 1 report on China State Construction was issued,
                                                                                                                                   每 2 个交易日可获得 1 份关于W66利来国际的信息,是公司上
                                                                                                                                                                                      it's the year of the largest information disclosure since the year of our
              审计改革,管理受益                                        Audit Reform Benefits Management                                    市以来披露信息最多的一年。全年召开团体推介会 3 场,                        enterprise going public. We held 3 group promotion meetings, 13 one-to-one
                  W66利来国际新疆建工是较早响应公司号召进行审计体制改革的                        CSCEC Xinjiang Construction and Engineering Co. Group Ltd        一对一推介会 13 场,反路演 12 场。                              promotion meetings and 12 inviting-in promotion meetings.
                                                               (XCEGCL) marked one of the enterprises that introduced reform in
              单位之一,通过引进审计、财务、商务、法律、工程等专业人                      audit system in an early time. This enterprise involved personnel
              才充实审计团队,人员结构趋向多样化、年轻化,工作质量和                      specializing in audit, finance, commerce, law and engineering into
                                                               the audit team. As a result, young and diversified staff members
                                                               greatly improved the work quality and efficiency. The enterprise
              任和工作时效落实到个人,并量化审计项目工作效果,加分奖                      actively innovated incentive systems for internal audit, made
                                                               every employer understand his work content, responsibility and
                                                               effectiveness, quantified the results of audit items and builds
                  审计体制改革后,W66利来国际新疆建工审计方式从简单重复审                     rewards system for auditors, creating a positive atmosphere for
                                                               learning from and competing with each other.
                                                                  After reform in audit system, XCEGCL transformed from simple
              审计的转型。                                           audit to multiple analyses on the basis of audit, that is, risk management
                                                                                                                                   美银美林调研团赴W66利来国际五局反路演                                    2013 年度中期业绩路演
                                                               audit instead of traditional audit of financial revenues and expenditures.  Bank of America Merrill Lynch Research Team Attended the Reverse Roadshow of the   2013 Interim Results Conference
                                                                                                                                   5th Bureau of China Construction

            24  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                                                                                                                             共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  25
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