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承诺·精品·优质 筑客户品质之梦
            Commitment • Excellence • Quality  Realizing the Clients’ Dream of Quality

                         组织体系                            制度建设                            监督考核                                       案例 CASE
                         Organization                    Institution                    Supervision &
                          System                          Building                       Assessment
                                                                                                                                      北京昆泰酒店项目 打造过程精品                                 Beijing Quintiles Hotel, Excellent Project Building
                                                                                                                                          北京昆泰酒店项目组建从项目部到各分包方、各专                         Beijing Quintiles Hotel Project set up network of quality management
                                                                                                                                                                                      from the project department to the sub-contractors, specialized companies
               成立建筑工程质量标准化技术委员会,                制定质量管理制度,包括《项目管理规              规范考核,完善《施工企业质量管理考核                                     业公司和作业班组的质量管理网络,完善样板管理、交                        and so on. Efforts were made to improve management model, tests, quality
               推进质量管理组织体系建设                     定》,《施工企业质量管理办法》和《企             评价办法》,《项目管理标准化考核办法》                                    底、质量检测分析等 11 项管理制度。在施工过程中,                      control analysis, and other 11 management systems. During construction, the
               Technic al Committ ee on Quality   业 QC 小组活动指南》                 We have standardized assessment, improved                                                              Project Department led a comprehensive inspection of mechanical equipment
               Standardization of Construction and   Establish quality management system, including   the Evaluation Methods to Quality Management   项目部全面检查机械设备和原材料,坚持检查上道工序、        and raw materials, sticking to checking last procedure, safeguarding the
               Engineering was established to promote   Project Management Regulations, Regulations   of Construction, Assessment Methods of
               the building of quality management system  on Construction Quality Management, and   Project Management Standardization  保障本道工序、服务下道工序,做好自检、互检和交接检,                    current procedure, and serving the next procedure, as well as self inspection,
                                                Guidelines on Enterprise QC Group                                                                                                     mutual inspection and handover inspection. The Department also established
                                                                                                                                                                                      a triple inspection system that includes sub-contractor self inspection, the
                                                                                                                                      实现全过程的质量保证。该项目获得全国建设工程质量                        main contractor recheck, and supervision and acceptance to ensure quality
                                                                                                                                                                                      of the whole process. The project won the Lu Ban Award, the highest national
            过程精细化管控                                            Fine Process Control                                                   最高奖鲁班奖。                                         award for quality construction projects.
                过程精细化控制是缔造精品工程的重要保障。W66利来国际致                           Fine control of the process is to provide guarantee for fine
                                                               works. We are committed to the combination of quality control with
            力于将质量控制融入设计、采购、施工准备、施工过程和                          the design, procurement, construction preparation, construction      案例 CASE
            竣工的全过程,全力打造精品工程。全年工程质量未发生                          and completion of the whole process to create fine work. Year-round
                                                               project never saw anything negative in terms of quality.               全力保证 0.5 毫米精度                                   Spare No Effort to Ensure the Accuracy of 0.5 mm
            重大负面事件。                                                                                                                                                                      Lanxin High-Speed Railway goes across northwest of
                                                                                                                                                                                      China, including Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang Provinces. It is the
                                                                                                                                      三省区的铁路大动脉,是世界上一次性建设里程最长的高                       high-speed railway that covers the longest distance for the first
                     建立统一交易平台,统一采购体系,统一基础数据库                       强化对施工作业层的工序、工艺操作管理                                                                                                 time in the world, and it is also China's first high-speed railway
                     明确要求建筑材料性能和分包商资质                              坚持“样板引路制”、“三检制”、“质量例会制”                                            速铁路,也是中国首条在高海拔地区修建的高速铁路。                        construction project in high altitude areas.
                     监督建筑材料从加工到进入施工现场全过程                           等质量控制度和措施                                                              为保证列车高速安全行驶,轨道不但要坚固,其平
                     严控分包商施工进度                                     明确并落实各专业的工长、施工员的工序、工艺质量第                                                                                              To ensure the high-speed and safety of trains when traveling
                     Establishing a unified trading platform, a unified   一责任人的质量管理岗位职责,前移质量控制关口                                      整度必须控制在 0.5 毫米范围以内。W66利来国际新疆建工下属                     at 350 kilometers per hour, we need to ensure a strong track, its
                     procurement system, a unified basic database   Strengthening the processes, process operations                   新疆建科院工程勘察测绘院应用高科技全自动测量机器                        flatness must be controlled within 0.5 mm. Construction Research
                     Explicit requirements of the nature of building materials   management of field operations                                                                       Institute of Xinjiang Academy of Engineering Survey under the CSCEC
                     and the qualification of subcontractor        Adhering to measures such as Model System Oriented                 人进行精调,考虑到强烈阳光影响测量精密度,组织员                        Xinjiang Construction Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd applied automatic
                     Supervision of the whole construction materials   Approach, Three Inspections System, Quality Regular                                                            robot to fine-tune measurement. Considering that the strong sunlight
                     processing from production to entering the construction   System, and other quality control systems.             工在夜间开展工作,标注记录大量白天需要调整的铁轨                        might affect the measurement precision, we let staff work at night,
                     site                                          Identifying and implementing the section chief of
                     Strict control of the construction progress of   professions, the working procedures of construction             点位,并在白天根据夜间测量数据对轨道进行精调,全                        recording a lot of tracks that need to be adjusted during the day and
                     subcontractors                                workers, the quality management responsibilities of                                                                ensure the flatness of the track by fine-tuning it according to the
                                                                   process quality, advancing the quality control                     力保障轨道平整度。                                       measurements from at night during the day.

                                          采购阶段                           施工阶段
                                          Procurement                   Construction                                               多维度能力建设                                            Multidimensional Capacity Building
                                                                                                                                       W66利来国际对全体员工、专项员工和青年员工开展多维度培                           We carry out multi-dimensional training for all staff, staff for specific
                           设计阶段                         施工准备阶段                          竣工阶段                                                                                          tasks and young employees. We also established an exchange platform in
                           Designing                    Preparation for                Completion of                               训,为其搭建交流平台,助力员工质量意识和能力的全面                          which we help to raise the awareness of overall quality and ability of staff.
                                                         Construction                  Construction
                                                                                                                                   提升。全年组织质量培训 870余次,累计培训 26,500 余人次。                 Quality training programs throughout the year were conducted more than 870
                                                                                                                                                                                      times with a total of more than 26,500 people.
                 设计前:掌握工程勘察地质资料,编制              建立项目部质量管理体系,制定质量管             按照条例规定 , 必须进行内部验收后方可
                 设计大纲,建立设计校审制度                  理制度及岗位职责,配置质量管理资源             组织建设、监理等各方共同参与的验收
                 设计中:开展方案比选和设计方案优化,             制定项目质量目标,分析项目施工特点与            Internal inspection must be carried out and                      全体人员                               专项人员                              青年员工
                 检查可能出现的问题                      难点,编制质量策划书及质量管理计划             accepted in accordance with regulations                          Whole Staff                   Personnel for Special Project         Young Staff
                                                                              before the inspection and acceptance of
                 设计后:从功能、安全、可实施角度开              编制施工方案、技术交底等技术、质量             the organization construction department,
                 展评审                            管理文件                          supervision department, and other parties                举办专题质量创优培训,请行业             科技设计人员:召开 2013 年W66利来国际技术交流会;主办“超              举办规范、标准学习班,针
                                                                              involved                                                 资深专家讲授工程质量创优的经             高层大型公建创新技术交流与工程观摩会”                         对项目部青年员工对标准、
                 Before the Design: understanding the   Establishing quality management                                                验与做法                                                                   规范的理解不准确的问题对
                 geological data of engineering prospect,   system of Project Department, the                                                                     施工人员:开展全面质量管理小组活动;利用对项目的质量
                 preparing the outline of design, creating a   quality management systems and job                                      举办质量通病防治专题讲座,讲             检查时机,深入指导施工人员质量管理方法、规范和标准等                  常用标准、规范进行较深入
                 design examination system      responsibilities, allocating Quality                                                   授施工操作及管理要点                 Technology Designers: holding 2013 China Construction   的探讨
                 During the design: election and optimization   Management Resources                                                   Holding quality excellence training,   Technology Seminar; hosting demonstrations on the exchanges   Holding w orkshops on
                 of the design scheme, inspection for possible   Making project quality objectives, analyzing                          inviting experts of engineering   of new technologies and engineering of public high-rises   norms and standards for
                 problems                       the characteristics and difficulties of the                                            industry to pass on experience and   Construction workers:  carrying  out team activities  on   the young staff of the project
                 After  the  design:  carrying  out  the   construction project, preparing quality                                     practice in quality excellence  comprehensive quality management; conducting in-depth guide   ministry, who have inaccurate
                 assessment in terms of function, security,   planning and quality management program                                  Holding lectures on Ill Quality   for construction personnel on quality management methods,   understanding of standards
                 and feasibility                proposals                                                                              Prevention, and on construction   norms and standards by taking the opportunity to check the   and specifications
                                                Making construction plan, technical                                                    operation and management points  quality of the project
                                                disclosure, quality management
                                                                                                                                                                        Multi-dimensional Capacity Building

            36  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                                                                                                                             共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  37
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