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结算,实现双方共赢。自2011年11月采购中心正式运营以                       efficiency and quality of procurement, promote the timely payment to
                                                               the contractors / suppliers and achieve a win-win outcome. Since the                           制定《W66利来国际股份有限公司建筑工程施工资料编制管                                                     关于W66利来国际
                                                               official operation of the procurement center, China Construction 4th                             理规程》,统一施工技术资料编制质量标准。
            公司5家。                                              Bureau has had more than 80 qualified material suppliers, of which 5                               Develop the CSCEC Management Procedures on Compiling Construction
                                                               suppliers are listed companies.                                                                     Materials of Projects to unify the quality standards for construction    About Us
                                                                                                                                                                     material preparation.
                                                               Quality Control                                                                 质量考核                                                             机构建设
                公司遵循目标管理、过程控制、阶段考核、持续改进                                                                                                    Quality Assessment                   制度建设                        Institution Building           可持续经营
                                                                   Adhering to our targeted management, process control, phased                                            Institutional Improvement
            质量控制理念,实施全员、全方位、全过程的质量控制。                          evaluation, and continuous improvement quality control concept, China                                                                  建立三级质量管理组织体系,在公
                                                               Construction conducts company-wide full-process quality control. In                                                                    司总部设立质安部、在所属企业设
            2011年,公司质量管理体系覆盖率100%、验收一次交验                                                                                                                                                              置质量管理机构、在工程项目配置
                                                               2011, we achieved 100% coverage of the quality management system      按照《施工企业质量管理工作考核评
            合格率100%。                                           and achieved a 100% pass rate for completion acceptance.              价办法(试行)》的要求,组织所属企                                                专职质量管理人员。
                                                                                                                                     业开展质量管理考核评价工作,提出                                                 2011年,公司专职质量管理人员1,800                 Sustainable Operation
                                                                   All-employee Training                                             质量体系运行的改进建议。                            全方位质量控制                  人。
                全员培训                                               By holding meetings, setting up quality teams, and carrying out the   According to the Assessment Method for Construction Quality   An Overall Quality   Establish a three-level quality management system,
                公司通过召开会议、组建质量小组、开展质量创优活                        A-Good Quality Campaign, the Company provided training on quality for   Management, organize subordinated companies to carry   Control  setting up a quality assurance department at headquarters,
                                                                                                                                     out assessment on quality management, and put forward
                                                               general staff, quality professionals and new employees to enhance their   suggestions to improve the performance of the quality        and a quality management department in all subsidiary   全产业链创新
            动等方式,为普通员工、质量管理专职人员、新员工提供                                                                                                                                                                 enterprises, and equipping projects with quality management
                                                               quality awareness and capability.                                     system.                                                          professionals.
            质量培训,提高公司全员质量意识和能力。                                                                                                                                                                       In 2011, the number of our quality management professionals
                                                                                                                                                                                                      came to 1,800 persons.
                                                                                                                                                                            Project Management
                                                                                                                                                                    开展项目管理标准化考核,宣贯与完善                                                       Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
                                                  普通员工培训       Training for New Staff                                                                      ahead with standardized project management.
                                                    Training for General Staff
                                                                                                                                                              Carry out standard evaluations on project management, promote and improve the Project
                                                                                                                                                             Management Manual, strengthen the construction of project management information, and press
                                                           Training                                                                                                                                                                          量 质
                    提高普通员工质量意识                                                      提升新员工质量意识                                                                                                                                               Quality
                   Enhancing awareness of quality   专职质量管理人员培训                    Enhancing awareness of quality
                      control of general staff        Training for Quality Professionals  control of new staff                           全过程质量控制                                            Full-process Quality Control
                                                                                                                                                                                          High-grade  projects  stem  from  process  control.  China     全
                  开展QC小组活动                                                      组织为期两周的集中培训                                                                                           Construction incorporates quality control into the entire construction
                 开展QC小组成果评选                                                     新员工培训率为100%                                        段、施工阶段、竣工阶段,全力打造精品工程。                              covering preparation process, from construction and completion, to    Safety
                 举办QC小组诊断师培训班                                                                                                                                                         create fine works.
                                                                               Organizing two-week centralized training;
                Carrying out QC group activities;  提升专职质量管理人员业务能力             Achieving 100% training rate among new employees;                                                                                                            环
                Organizing the selection of quality achievements of QC groups;  Enhance business capability of                                                                                                                               境
               Organizing trainings sessions for diagnosis specialists of QC  quality professionals
                                                                                                                                              准备阶段                                 施工阶段                              竣工阶段
                                                                                                                                           Preparation Phase                   Construction Phase                 Completion Phase          Environment
                                             邀请外部行业专家传授质量管理经验                                                                        制定项目质量目标,根据项目施工                落实“样板引路制”、“三检制”、“质量例会制”                    开展内部验收,重点查
                                            组织参观学习其他企业的先进做法                                                                          特点与难点,编制质量策划书与质                等制度。                                       隐蔽工程的施工质量。
                                            专职质量管理人员培训率100%                                                                          量管理计划。                                                                                                  工 员
                                                                                                                                                                    在技术要求高、难度大的工程预先设计样板,作                      组织客户、监理单位等
                                           Conducting special internal training on quality and technology;                           组织复核设计图纸,编制施工方                 为后续施工参照标准。                                 各方共同验收。                      Staff
                                           Inviting experts to introduce quality management experience;                              案,进行技术交底;组织施工人员                自检、互检、专职人员巡视等全方位覆盖。
                                          Organizing visits to other enterprises to learn advanced practices;                        开展技术要求、施工方法培训。                                                            Perform internal acceptance, and focus
                                          Achieving 100% training rate among quality professionals;                                                                 定期召开质量管理会议,优化施工工艺,解决质                      on examining the construction quality of
                                                                                                                                     Establish the quality goal of the project, and prepare a   量问题。           hidden projects.            社
                                                                                                                                     quality planning and management plan according to the                     Organize clients, supervisory agencies     会
                                                                                                                                     characteristics and difficulties of the project.  Implement "template guiding system", "three-inspection system" and "regular   and other parties to perform acceptance
                                                                                                                                     Review design drawings, prepare a construction   quality meeting system", among others.  together.     Society
                                                                                                                                     program, and perform technical clarifications, and   Design a template for challenging aspects of construction that requires
                                                                                                                                     organize relevant training on technical requirements and
                全方位质量控制                                            An Overall Quality Control                                        construction methods.          advanced technology, and use template as reference standard for the follow-up
                                                                   Starting with institution building, institutional improvement, project                           Conduct a self-inspection of all operators, mutual inspection of employees, and
                公司从机构建设、制度建设、项目管理、质量考核等                                                                                                                             carry out an inspection tour of all professionals to fully control the quality of
                                                               management and quality assessment, China Construction has strictly
            方面入手,严控质量,全方位地保障工程质量。                                                                                                                                   construction.
                                                               enforced quality control measures to ensure the quality of projects.                                 Hold regular quality management meetings to optimize the construction process
                                                                                                                                                                    and solve problems related to quality.

       044  W66利来国际股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                                                                                                                                              2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 045
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