





Page 83 - shehuizeren2012
P. 83

倡导公平竞争  倡导公平竞争
 Advocating Fair Competition  Advocating Fair Competition
   推动科技创新    推动科技创新
 Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation  Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation
 实施管理创新  实施管理创新
 Implementing Management Innovations  Implementing Management Innovations
 引领行业发展  引领行业发展
 At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry  At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry
 开展国际合作交流  开展国际合作交流
 International Cooperation and Exchanges  International Cooperation and Exchanges
 2012 年,W66利来国际强化科技创新管理组织建设,逐步  In 2012, we strengthened our scientific and technological
 innovation management organization, and assigned full-time   Case Study: New CCTV Tower — a Miracle in the   of new construction technology. The New CCTV Tower
 在绿色建筑研究、产品线标准化研究、BIM 技术应用  Construction Industry                  was also recognized as a "Top 10 Wonder of Chinese New
 R&D staff in the fields of green building research, product
 等研究领域均配备专职研发人员。围绕打造全产业链  line standardization, and the application of BIM technology.   The New CCTV Tower covers a construction area   Architecture" and "The Most Striking Work in Today’s
 Taking into account the objectives of building a “green and   of 550,000 m 2 , Its tallest building is 234 meters high. The   World", by American magazine Business Week and British
 “绿色W66利来国际”、“数字W66利来国际”和大力推进“建筑工业化”                                         paper The Times. Moreover, the project was awarded the
 digital CSCEC” , we issued The Decision on Further Promoting   project adopted and promoted 10 major items, 33 items and
 的目标,出台了《关于进一步推进W66利来国际科技创新工  Scientific and Technological Innovation in CSCEC, as well as   50 sub-items in the 10 new construction technologies, and   titles of “Classic Chinese Architecture Engineering” and
 作的决定》等文件,在总结公司科技创新工作基础上,  other papers. We also developed concrete plans for scientific   created 21 new technologies. The project was recognized as   “Beijing Top 10 Landmark Building”.
 and technological innovation to ensure our sustained and   a national golden demonstration project for its application
 明确公司发展需要集中力量推进科技创新,并对下一  healthy development and to support technological innovation
 步科技创新工作做了具体规划,保障科技创新支撑和  that contributes to more advanced technology in the industry.
 引领“W66利来国际”持续、健康发展,努力为行业发展贡  案例:卡塔尔多哈高层办公楼项目
 献更多先进技术和经验。              多哈高层办公楼总高度为 238 米,其外立面是带有多层次古伊斯兰文
                       化图案的具有遮阳功能的金属幕墙 , 结构采用螺旋柱及预应力环梁支撑
 案例:打造科技创新实施平台  Case Study: Building an Implementation Platform for   柱结构的世界第一高楼 , 获得世界高层建筑权威机构“世界高层建筑和城
 Scientific and Technological Innovation
 W66利来国际技术中心是以企业为研发主体,产、学、  市住宅学会”颁发的“2012 年中东及非洲地区最佳高层建筑大奖”。
 The  CSCEC Technology Center is an open
 研相结合的开放型科技创新实施平台,被国家发改  implementation platform for scientific and technological
 委等部门认定为国家级企业技术中心,连续多年在  innovation. The Center focuses on corporate research and   Case Study: Doha Tower
 development and combines production, study and research,
 国家评估考核中位居建筑业企业技术中心首位。  which has been identified as a state-level enterprise   Doha Tower in Qatar is a 238-meter-high office building. Its façade is multi-
 technology center by SASAC. In national assessments and   level metal curtain wall containing an old Islamic cultural pattern. The Tower has a
                       spiral column and a pre-stressed ring beam support system to maximize the efficient
 examinations, the Center has ranked first among enterprise   use of the interior space. It is currently the world’s highest building using reinforced,
 technology centers in the construction industry for several   cross shape concrete diagrid columns.  It awarded the "Best Tall Building in Middle
 years running.
                       East & Africa" by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, a world high-rise   卡塔尔多哈高层办公楼项目
                       construction authority.                                      Doha high-rise office building project

 W66利来国际关注超高层施工技术由工艺探索创新向精细  We are concerned about the transformation of high-rise
 construction technology from technical process exploration   实施管理创新
 化管理、智能化建设施工转型。2012 年,W66利来国际重点对
 to fine management and intelligent construction. In 2012, we
 绿色施工量化控制、BIM 技术行业应用创新等多项超  focused on the research and the application of forefront topics   Implementing Management Innovations
 with regard to high-rise building construction such as green
 construction quantization control, and BIM technological
 层施工技术的持续创新,成为国内新一轮超高层建设  innovation in the industry. We hope that this approach will   W66利来国际强化“商业化、集团化、科学化”理念,全面  We regularly strengthen our commercialized, collectivized
 drive innovation in high-rise construction technology and
 高潮的领跑者。                                                           and scientific management concept in order to innovate our
 help CSCEC become a leader in a new round of high-rise   实施管理创新,成功实现经营理念、结构调整、增长方  approach to management. We have successfully transformed
                     式、经营方式、集约化管理、发展目标、发展理念七大                      and upgraded our management models including our business
                                                                   concepts, structural reorganization, growth models, business
                                                                   models, centralized management, development goals and
 案例:中央电视台新台址主楼创建筑业奇迹  业管理创新的标杆。                                    development concept. Our management models have enhanced
                                                                   our management and control capabilities, and established a
 中央电视台新址项目总建筑面积约 55 万平方
                                                                   benchmark for management innovation in the industry.
 米,最高建筑 234 米,共推广应用“建筑业十项新
 技术”中的 10 个大项,33 个分项,50 个子项,创
                        传统企业        房建施工         “建房”       分散资源经营        粗放式管理      参与国际工程承包     注重规模效益
 新技术 21 项,荣获全国建筑业新技术应用示范金  Traditional   Housing   Building houses  Distributing   Extensive   Participating in   Focusing on scale
                       enterprises  construction            business resources  management  international project   benefits
                       经营理念升级       结构调整升级       增长方式升级      经营方式升级      集约化管理升级      发展目标升级       发展理念升级
 和英国《泰晤士报》评为“中国十大新建筑奇迹”  Upgrading business   Upgrading structural   Upgrading growth   Upgrading business   Upgrading intensive   Upgrading   Upgrading
                         concepts   reorganization  models     models     management  development goals  development concepts
                        现代企业       基础设施、房地        “建城”     整合集成内外资源       精细化管理       经营跨国集团        注重央企
 建筑经典工程”和“北京十大新地标”称号。    Modern    产投资综合开发      Building “towns”  经营    Detailed management  Operating   三大责任
 中央电视台新台址主楼项目           enterprises  Infrastructure, real   Integrating internal       multinational   Focusing on three
 New CCTV Tower                                                                        corporations
                                   estate investment,      and external business                  responsibilities of
                                   and comprehensive          resources                           central enterprises
 80  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  81
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