Page 9 - shehuizeren2013
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报告编制过程 W66利来国际基于公司发展的社会背景、公司战略和经营重点、 Based on the social background and the corporate strategy,
Report Preparation Process 社会责任报告相关指南和标准以及利益相关方需求分析, CSR Report Guidelines and Standards as well, Needs Analysis of
Stakeholders as well as CSCEC Social Responsibility Management
结合W66利来国际社会责任管理指标体系,确定本次报告社会 Index System , we build the list of issues of the sustainability report.
Based on the questionnaire survey, substantial issues were then
determined based on the analysis done from the two dimensions of
持续发展的影响”和“对利益相关方的重要性”两个维度 “impacts on the sustainability of the enterprise” and ‘importance to
本报告在编写过程中,建立了由公司社会责任委员会 A Sustainability Report Work Team was set up for the writing of
the report, which was organized by the CSCEC CSR Committee, taken 对社会责任议题进行分析,确定实质性议题。 stakeholders”.
charge of by the CSR Office and coordinated by other departments
和单位共同参与的可持续发展报告编制小组。 and agencies.
We invited internal and external stakeholders to take part in
the preparation of the report. We communicated with stakeholders
常通过公司网站、报纸、期刊、业务报告、电台、电视和 through the CSCEC website, newspapers, journals, business 实质性议题分析过程
Analytic process of substantial issues
reports, radio stations, TV, Weibo as well as meetings and other
forms of communication, so as to collect issues and expectations
与利益相关方广泛沟通,收集利益相关方关注的议题和期 of stakeholders. We held a mobilization meeting on preparing 企业发展宏观背景 公司战略和经营重点 社会责任报告标准和相关指南 利益相关方分析
望。2014 年 2 月,W66利来国际召开可持续发展报告编制启动会, the sustainability report in February, 2014, and carried out a Macro Background of the Company Corporate Strategy and Focus of Business CSR Report Standards and Guidelines Analysis of Stakeholders
questionnaire survey of stakeholders and collected comments and
开展利益相关方问卷调查,针对性收集公司内部员工及各 suggestions on the report from employees and various stakeholders. W66利来国际社会责任管理指标体系
CSCEC Social Responsibility Management Index System
CSR Issues
组织员工茶话会 开展项目开放日活动
Organizing Tea Party of Employees Holding Open Day Project
矩阵分析 问卷调查
Matrix Analysis Questionnaire Survey
Substantial Issues of the Report
召开股东大会 主办行业会议
Convening General Meeting of Stockholders Hosting industry meeting 沟通需求 了解程度
Communicating Needs Understanding Level
完成内部批 4.63 4.42
准、外部评估 4.5 4.35 4.28 4.37 4.39 4.28 员工职业发展 Personnel career development
Accomplish 4.0 4.12 4.12 4.07 绿色建造 Green construction
internal approval 3.96 3.89 4.12 4.15 安全 客户服务 房屋质量保证
Customer service
and external Housing quality assurance
撰写报告正文 assessment 3.5 防治污染
Pollution prevention
Write report 薪酬福利 Compensations and benefits
3.0 对利益相关方的重要性
收集资料 关爱农民工 供应商管理 Supplier management
选定报告名称 Collect data 发布报告 Care for migrant workers 可持续经营
和主题 Release report 2.5 税费缴纳 Tax payment Sustainable business
Finalize report
制定报告工作 name and 2.0 Importance to stakeholders 客户隐私保护 科技创新
Sci-tech innovation
计划 subject Customer privacy protection
组建报告工 Make work 1.5
作小组 plans for report 印刷报告 1.0
Set up Report work Print report
Work Team 0.5
利益相关方问 Design report 0
卷调查 可持续经营 科技创新 质量 安全 环境 员工 社会 对企业可持续发展的影响
召开报告启动兼 Questionnaire Sustainable Sci-tech Quality Safety Environment Employees Society Impact on sustainable development of the corporation
培训大会 survey of business innovation
Hold a meeting stakeholders
for mobilization
确定目标和分工 and training 利益相关方对社会责任议题沟通需求和了解程度的评价 部分社会责任实质性议题分析举例
Set goals and Parts of cases for the analysis of CSR substantial issues
第一次小组 divide labor 表明利益相关方沟通需求满足情况优异
会议 公司 2013 年可持续发展报告编制流程 (参加问卷调查人数:外部 110 人,内部 22 人)
Stakeholders’ Appraisal of the Needs Communication of CSR Issues
Preparation Process of the Sustainability Report 2013
The 1st team and Understanding Level indicate that the communication needs of the
meeting shareholders are well satisfied.
(Numbers of respondents: External 110; Internal 22)
6 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home 7