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可持续发展背景                                                                                                                责任管理
            Background Information on Sustainable Development                                                                      Responsibility Management

                作为全球最大的建筑地产综合企业集团,W66利来国际本                           As the largest real estate conglomerate in the world, we are         W66利来国际以《W66利来国际信条》为载体,围绕“拓展幸福空间”                           We take the Credo of CSCEC as the medium, focusing on the
                                                               dedicated to upholding our corporate spirit of “Integrity, Innovation,                                                 mission of “Expanding a Happy Living Environment” and upholding
            着“诚信、创新、超越、共赢”的企业精神,紧抓发展机遇、                                                                                            的企业使命和“品质保障,价值创造”的企业核心价值观,
                                                               Excellence, and All-win”. We give full play of our own advantages,                                                     the core value of “Quality Assurance and Value Creation”. Driven
            积极应对挑战、充分发挥自身优势、不断完善推动管理提升,                        seize all available opportunities for development and actively face up   从责任根植文化,文化引领责任的视角,在文化引领和驱                     by Culture-led CSR Model, we incorporate social responsibility
                                                               to challenges. We keep improving our management, creating value                                                        into our everyday management and operation so as to promote
            以为利益相关方创造价值为己任,推进公司可持续发展。                                                                                              动下,将社会责任融入管理和日常运营,推动各项社会责
                                                               for our stakeholders and advancing the sustainable development of                                                      the establishment and improvement of the social responsibility
                                                               the company.                                                        任管理机制的建立和完善。                                       management mechanism.

                                                                                                                                   责任理念                                               Responsibility Philosophy
                                                                                                                                                                                         Our mission is to “Expanding a Happy Living Environment” for
                                                                                                                                       W66利来国际以“为利益相关方拓展充满幸福感的发展空间”                        stakeholders and we have set our corporate mission, vision, core
                                                                                                                                   为己任,确立企业使命、愿景、核心价值观和企业精神,                          values and corporate spirit, which shall serve as the most essential
                                                                                                                                                                                      principles for us to handle relations with clients, employees,
                                                                                                                                                                                      shareholders,the community and other stakeholders.
                    坚持“一最两跨,科学发展”的战略目标,实施“专业化、区域化、标准化、信息化、国际化”的战略举措,加快                                                                                                                Performing Responsibility
                    自身转型升级的步伐,集中优势资源转方式、调结构、促升级,坚持保障品质,不断创造价值。                                                                     责任推进                                                  We have established a CSR system and build up the ability to
                                                                                                                                                                                      perform CSR. We actively communicate with the stakeholders and
                    We stick to the strategy of “One most, Two entries, Scientific development” , carry out the tactics of “Specialization,   W66利来国际建立健全社会责任工作体系,开展社会责任能力                 instill CSR concept into the daily operation and management, which
                    Regionalization, Standardization, Informationization and Internationalization”, speed up transformation and upgrading,                                            highly strengthens our ability to create social and environment value
                    concentrate resources on restructuring and upgrading and keep hold on quality and creating of value.           建设,积极与利益相关方沟通,推动社会责任理念融入日
                                                                                                                                                                                      and ushers us onto a culture-led CSR management road for Central
                                                                                                                                   常运营和管理,使公司的社会和环境综合价值创造能力显                          Enterprises.
                                                                                                                                   著提升,走出了一条具有文化引领特色的中央企业社会责                          Responsibility Model
                                                                                                                                   任管理道路。                                                We inject the concept of CSR into corporate strategy, daily
                                                                                                                                                                                      operations and routine work of employees, realize the systematic
                                                                                                                                   责任模型                                               planning and integrated utilization of corporate resources and forge
                                                                                                                                                                                      a culture-led CSR management model by combining the industry
                    机遇                       挑战                           优势                      劣势                                   W66利来国际结合行业和企业特点,围绕“拓展幸福空间”核                        features and corporate characteristics, centering on the core concept
                 Opportunities             Challenges                   Advantages            Disadvantages
                                                                                                                                   心理念,以构建责任文化为主体,以文化建设路径为支撑,                         of “Expanding a Happying Environment ”, treating the construction of
                                                                                                                                                                                      culture of responsibility as the main body and relying on the culture
                                                                                                                                                                                      development path.
            ■ 世界经济形势呈复苏态势             ■  新兴市场和发展中国家存               ■ 综合素质高的人才队伍            ■  内部资源重复配置、存在
            ■ 市场机制变动                  在外需疲软、内生动力不足                 ■ 优秀的管理方式               同质化竞争现象                                 引领型社会责任管理模式。
            ■ 国家城镇化政策有序推进             等问题                          ■ 较强的融资优势               ■ 业务分布不平衡
            ■ 国有企业体制深化改革              ■ 国内经济运行存在下行压力               ■ 较高的应对风险能力             ■  与国际标杆企业相比存在
            ■ 国家支持“走出去”战略                                                                  差距
                                      ■  Insufficient domestic     ■ Quality force of talents
            ■ World economy recovering  demand and lack of internal   ■  Outstanding ways of   ■ Repetitious allocation of
            ■ Market mechanism changing  driving force in emerging   management            internal resources, existing
            ■ Urbanization drive advancing  markets.               ■   Str ong financing   homogeneous competition
            ■ SOEs reform deepening   ■  Downward pressure of      advantages              ■  Imbalanced division of                                                         责任文化 培育机制
            ■  Country supporting Going   domestic economy         ■   High  c apacity  of   business                                                                  Responsibility culture training mechanism
            Global                                                 countering risks        ■  Gap with international
                                                                                           leading companies
                                                                                                                                                责任绩效评价考核机制                     责任管理模式                      责任管理机制
                                                                                                                                                                               Culture-led CSR
                                                                                                                                         Responsibility performance appraisal mechanism  Management Model of   Responsibility management mechanism
                                                                                                                                                                       CSR information disclosure mechanism

            12  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                                                                                                                             共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  13
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