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            Culture-led CSR Model of CSCEC
                                                                                                                                   社会责任工作体系                                           CSR Operation System
                                                                                                                                                                                         We established a Social Responsibility Committee consisting
                                                                                                                                                                                      of senior executives and department directors to lead the overall
                                                                                                                                   负责领导公司整体社会责任工作,建立覆盖公司各层级、                          work of CSR. An operation system of CSR which covers all levels
                   拓展价值空间                                                        拓展品质空间                                                                                               and all spheres of CSCEC is set up. Under the committee, there
                   Contributing to the  Value Space                              Contributing to the Quality Space                 各领域的社会责任工作体系。社会责任委员会下设社会责
                                                                                                                                                                                      is a Social Responsibility Office, which is in charge of making CSR
                   满意的市值、持续的收益回报是股东和W66利来国际共同的幸                                       创造“物超所值”的价值是客户和W66利来国际的共同幸福。我                                                                             work plan, developing CSR managerial system, organizing CSR
                   福。W66利来国际坚持科学发展策略,积极转变发展模式;推行                                      们始终将客户利益放在首位,全力为客户提供富含科                           组织实施社会责任实践,对外开展社会责任交流,编制发                          practices, carrying out CSR communications, as well as compiling
                   精细化管理,强化风险管控,不断提升盈利能力。                                        技人文内涵的高品质产品,不断超越客户需求。                                                                                and releasing Sustainability Reports.
                   In cooperation with our shareholders we want to               Creating common happiness and value that goes
                   increase our common happiness, market value and               above and beyond quality is the goal of CSCEC for                                                    Responsibility Ability Building
                   sustained returns. We will continue to uphold our             our customers. We prioritize customers’ interests
                   scientific development strategy, and we will work to          and provide customers with high-quality products   责任能力建设                                               We actively participate in the CSR conferences, forums,
                   transform our development model. We will also                 that are culturally rich and technologically advanced,
                   promote our fine management approach  in order to             which  regularly surpass customers’ expectations.                                                    seminars and other communication activities held by SASAC and
                   strengthen our risk management and control systems                                                                  W66利来国际积极参加国务院国资委、专业机构等举办的社会责
                   and improve our profitability.                                                                                                                                     other professional organizations. We learn advanced experience,
                                                                                                                                   任工作会议、论坛、研讨会等交流活动,学习先进经验,提                         promote the CSR ability and continuously enhance our CSR
                                                                                                                                                                                      performance. In addition, we organize a special training program of
                                                                                 拓展生态空间                                            升社会责任能力,持续改进社会责任绩效;组织社会责任管
                                                                                 Contributing to the Ecological Space                                                                 CSR with a view to promoting the awareness and performing ability
                                                                                                                                   理专项培训,提升社会责任专兼职人员的认知水平和能力。                         of CSR workers, both of full-time and part-time.
                                                              股东                 推行绿色建筑,共建世界美好家园是全人类的幸福。                                                                              Responsibility Integration
                                                            Shareholders         W66利来国际搭建绿色建筑整体运营平台,实现建筑全生命周                           责任融合
                                   房屋建筑工程                                        期一体化服务,助力推进生态和谐的城镇化建设,服                                                                                 According to the advantages and shortcomings found during
                                     Housing                                     务国家生态文明建设。                                            W66利来国际根据 2012 年可持续发展报告 / 社会责任报告编制过程                the preparation of CSCEC 2012 Sustainability Report/CSR Report,  we
                                                              客户                 We believe that mankind’ s long-term happiness is   中发现的优点和不足,修订完善《W66利来国际社会责任指标管理                      revised the CSCEC CSR Index Management Manual , which provides
                                                             Customers           connected to the development of green buildings and a                                                a framework and guidance for all departments of CSCEC to progress
                                                                                 beautiful world. We have therefore established an operating
                                                                                 platform for the development of green buildings and   手册》,为公司各部门推进社会责任管理提供框架和指导。                     social responsibility management.
                                 房地产开发与投资                                        realized integrated services in construction with an entire                                             CSCEC set up a scheme of social responsibility information
                                                                                 life cycle, which will contribute to ecological harmony in
                                Real Estate Development       环境                 urban construction while also serving the national    W66利来国际制定社会责任信息管理系统构建方案,完成总部                        management system, making the report template of social
                                                                                 ecological interest.
                                   and Investment
                                                            Environment                                                            职能部门的社会责任指标信息化报表模板,根据各职能部                          responsibility index information for headquarters’ functional
       拓展幸福空间                                                                                                                      门反馈意见,调整后纳入信息管理网报系统。                               divisions. According to these divisions’ feedbacks, we adjust
       Expanding a                  设计勘察                      员工                                                                                                                      the reports and include them into the internet report system of
                                                                                                                                                                                      information management.
       Happy Living               Design and Survey         Employees            拓展成长空间
                                                                                 Contributing to the Development Space
                                                              伙伴                 才发展策略,为员工搭建发展平台,让员工充分享
                                基础设施建设与投资                    Partners            受企业发展带来的成果,提高员工的生活水平。
                               Infrastructure Construction
                                   and Investment                                Helping employees realize self-value is the common
                                                                                 happiness we have with them. We are working
                                                              行业                 towards improving our people-oriented
                                                                                 management thinking, implementing scientific
                                                             Industry            talent policy and building a career development
                                   国际工程承包                                        platform, which provides employees with the
                                                                                 opportunity to benefit from our corporate
                                 International Project                           development, and improve their standard of living.
            拓展和谐空间                           拓展创新空间                              拓展共赢空间
            Contributing to  the Harmonious Space  Contributing to the Innovation Space   Contributing to the Win-win Space
            社会和谐与繁荣是全球社区与W66利来国际共同的幸福。            公平的竞争秩序、科技创新与技术进步是W66利来国际整               共赢是伙伴与W66利来国际共同的价值追求、共同的幸福。W66利来国际
            W66利来国际重视安全生产,严格落实安全责任制;拉动            个行业的幸福。W66利来国际自觉遵守行业自律规则,鼓励              全力保护伙伴的合法权益,扩大合作范围、深化合作领
            就业,减轻社会就业压力;热心公益事业,扶贫助           公平竞争政策的制定和执行,尊重并保护知识产               域,与合作伙伴共同创造价值,实现共同发展。
            困;担当央企责任,维护社会稳定;履行全球责任,          权;不断创新体制、管理、技术等,推动公司与建
            共建幸福家园。                          筑行业共同发展。

            Social harmony and prosperity throughout the world is a   It is in the best interests of the entire industry to   Win-win outcomes are the common value and happiness
            fundamental ambition at CSCEC. We will continue to strive   ensure fair competition while seeking   we pursue with our partners. We are committed to
            to be a safe and secure company that adheres to all   technological innovation and progress in research   protecting the legitimate rights and interests of our
            aspects of safety to ensure a safe working environment.   and development. We abide by the self-regulating   partners and to expanding the scope of our cooperation
            We provide job opportunities to mitigate national pressures   rules of the industry, encourage the formulation   activities. We believe this will help us deepen the
            on social employment, and contribute to public welfare to   and implementation of fair competition, and   cooperation field, create value and realize common
            alleviate poverty concerns. As a central enterprise we also   respect and protect intellectual property rights.   development with our partners.
            have a responsibility to maintain social stability while   We also regularly upgrade our institutions,
            fulfilling our global responsibility to build a happy   management and technological advancements
            homeland.                        through innovation to better the company and the
                                             construction industry.
            14  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                                                                                                                             共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  15
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