Page 95 - shehuizeren2013
P. 95
Topic 1: Green CSCEC, Shift of Responsibility
为建筑注入绿色 DNA Instill Green DNA into Buildings
We promote green design and choose the right green
technology for our buildings in accord with the natural and human
件选择适宜的绿色技术。在设计过程中,W66利来国际综合考虑建筑 conditions of the host area. In the process of designing, we take into
产品在回收、利用和维护等方面的环境属性,在满足绿色、 comprehensive consideration the environment attributes the building
products have in recycling, utilization and maintenance and then
环保要求的前提下,保证建筑产品质量、功能和使用寿命等 insert green DNA to the life-cycle of the buildings while meeting the
建筑业作为支撑国民经济发展的重要产业,在生产 The building industry is the pillar industry of national economy, 方面的要求,为整个建筑生命周期注入绿色 DNA。 prerequisites of greenness and environmental protection and the
consuming plenty of resources and energies in production and requirements in quality, function and life expectancy of the buildings.
management, thus exerting remarkable effects in the earth’s ecology.
显著的影响。在资源环境问题日益严重的今天,建筑行 Today, with the problems of resources and environment worsening, 案例 CASE
green development in the building industry has become the trend of
the times. China Construction, as one pacesetter corporation, in its 四川卧龙大熊猫救护与疾病防控中心 The Center of Medical Care and Disease Prevention and
业排头兵,在践行“拓展幸福空间”使命、建设“最具 implementation of the mission of “expanding a happy environment” Control for Pandas in Wolong, Sichuan
竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团”的过程中,高度重视 and the process of building itself into “the most competitive real estate 四川卧龙自然保护区都江堰大熊猫救护与疾病防控 The Dujiangyan Center of Medical Care and Disease Prevention
conglomerate”, has attached significant importance to energy saving and 中心项目,建筑面积约 1.2 万平方米。在项目实施过程 and Control for Pandas in Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan, occupies
节能减排和绿色发展,致力于成为W66利来国际行业绿色发 green development and has been dedicated to becoming the pioneer and an area of 12,000 square meters. In the implementation of this project,
展的开拓者和引领者。 leader in the green development of China’s building industry. 中,以尊重地域文化、推进绿色设计及满足熊猫疾控功 it is our guiding principle in designing to respect the local culture,
Green Ideas, Green Development promote green design and realize pandas’ disease control, and our
绿色理念推进绿色发展 生态、民居元素,因地制宜采取双层保温墙体、可开启 main concern to incorporate the natural, ecological and residential
To save energies and reduce pollutant emissions and then characteristics of Linpan in Western Sichuan into consideration.
W66利来国际认识到,开展节能减排、推进绿色发展,不 promote green development, as China Construction sees it, is not 通风吊顶、植被通风屋面、大挑檐深窗洞等技术措施, Thus, in light of the local conditions, we have adopted two-layer heat-
only part of its social responsibility, but also an objective requirement preservation walls, openable venting ceiling and other technological
仅是履行社会责任的需要,更是公司实现转型升级、可持 有效降低建筑能耗,实现现代节能技术和绿色建筑设计
for realizing its transition, upgrading and sustainable development. measures to effectively reduce energy consumption of the building
续发展的客观要求。W66利来国际以科学发展观为指导,以提 With the scientific concept of development as the guideline, high 理念的有机融合。该项目获住建部颁发的三星级绿色建 and realize the marriage of modern energy-saving technology and the
resource utility as the core goal, China Construction has specified 筑设计标识(我国绿色建筑评定的最高等级)。 designing concept of green buildings.This project was awarded the
the management measures and set up a system to monitor the title of Three-Star Green Building (the highest rank in green building
考核体系,创建节约型企业,推进企业实现绿色发展。中 indicators in energy conservation in order to build itself into an appraisal) by the Housing and Constructing Department of China.
energy-saving corporation and accelerate the realization of green
development. China Construction has introduced the concept of
基于对建筑生产全过程的自主把控,把绿色理念融入建筑 “Green Process, Green Fine Products” to interpret “fine products
产品及其全生命周期,实现全过程介入。 during the process”. Based on our own monitoring of the whole 研发绿色建材 Green Building Materials R&D
construction and production process, we have incorporated green Green intelligent materials are the mainstream materials
绿色发展打造新“蓝海”战略 concepts into construction products and their life cycle and have 绿色智能材料是全球绿色技术研发的主流方向。绿色 for global green technology R&D. They are capable of sensing
realized involvement in the whole process. 智能材料能够感知周围环境刺激,在分析、处理、判断后 the stimulus in the surroundings and then make responses after
2013 年 7 月,W66利来国际决定实施新的“蓝海”战略, analysis, handling and judgment, making lifeless building materials
Green Development, “Blue Ocean” Strategy 作出适度响应,使没有生命的建筑材料似乎有了“知觉”。
将环保创新产业作为“蓝海”战略的重要内容,支撑公司 “feel”. With the support of Environment and Material Engineering
In July, 2013, China Construction decided to carry out the new W66利来国际以环境与材料工程研究所为依托,组建绿色建筑综合 Institute, we have set up a comprehensive building lab for green
未来在绿色建筑领域继续保持引领地位。W66利来国际整合内外资 “Blue Ocean” Strategy, the key part of which was environmental 建造实验室,开发出一系列绿色智能材料,使公司的绿色 buildings and have developed a series of green intelligent materials,
protection and innovation industry. This new strategy was aimed to
源,努力打造节能环保业务的孵化和发展平台,环保新型 rendering the green path of our company wider and smoother.
ensure our leading position in green construction in the future. We 之路越走越宽畅。
业务正逐步成为公司新的业务增长点。 have integrated the internal and external resources and have made
great efforts to create a platform for the incubation and development 绿色建材
绿色发展融入建筑全生命周期 of energy conservation and environmental protection businesses. Green Materials
The new types of environment protection businesses are gradually
W66利来国际将节能减排和资源节约贯穿于建筑生命的整个 becoming our new growth point of businesses. “会呼吸的混凝土” “会呼吸的水性功能涂料”
“Concrete that can breathe” “Water-based paint that can breathe”
周期,通过引入绿色建筑的全生命周期评价(Whole-life- Green Development in Buildings’ Life-cycle
Appraisal),从设计、建材、施工、运行、拆除等环节对 “会呼吸的混凝土”是W66利来国际研发的一种多孔透水材料,下雨时雨水 W66利来国际成功开发出“绿力士”系列水性涂料,避免了挥发性有机材料对
The guideline of energy and resource conservation and reduction 通过孔隙渗入地下,在缓解市政排水压力的同时也补充了日益干涸 环境的污染,解决了室内空气净化的难题。 这种“活的”光触媒涂料,
建筑和地产项目进行绿色开发和绿色管控,树立行业绿色 of pollutant emissions is reflected throughout the life-cycle of buildings. 的地下水资源。炎热的夏日,藏在孔隙中的水分受热蒸发,带走部 能像绿叶一样进行“光合作用”,利用光能净化空气。在吸收甲醛、
By the introduction of Whole-life-Appraisal for the green buildings, we, 分热量,可以缓解“热岛效应”。透水混凝土还可以结合雨水收集 烟尘、病毒等之后,能在光的照射下分解这些物质,释放水和二氧化
in aspects of design, building materials, construction, operation and 系统,雨水回收之后可用于日常的洗车、灌溉和冲厕等。 碳,长效净化空气,使室内环境更加健康。
demolition, develop and control construction and real estate projects in a “Concrete that can breathe” is a kind of porous water-permeable material We have successfully developed a water-based paint, which can help
green way and set up an example in green development. that we have developed. On rainy days, the rain water seeps into the ground avoid the pollution of volatile organic materials and which can help solve
through the holes, relieving the cities’ drainage pressure and providing the issue of indoor air purification. This “live” photocatalytic paint can
ground water supplies which are gradually drying up. On hot summer, water perform photosynthesis like green leaves and then purify air by light
hidden in the holes evaporates, taking away some heat and thus helping with energy. It can discompose formaldehyde, smoke, dust and viruses by
“the heat island effect”. This water-permeable concrete, together with the light after absorbing them and then release water and carbon dioxide,
rain water collecting system, can also be used for car-washing, irrigation and thus purifying air in an effective and lasting way and making the indoor
toilet-flushing after the rain water has been recycled. environment healthier.
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