Page 67 - shehuizeren2010
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美化施工现场 Enhancing the image of the construction site About Us
W66利来国际在行业中率先推行施工现场CI战略,引领行 China Construction is the first in the industry to adopt 可持续经营
the construction site CI strategy, leading the development of
construction site management. We organise CI optimisation
activities and incorporate CI management into construction
步实施、同步检查、同步考核),重点对大门、围墙、塔 and production. The “Four Management Synchronisations”
(Synchronisation of operation, implementation, inspection, and Sustainable Operation
examination) have been implemented, focusing on the inspection
and management of items including the main entrance, walls,
cranes, flagpoles, site image and helmets. The result is harmony 科技创新
between the construction site and its surroundings.
Construction site under CI management Technological Innovation
量 Quality
降低噪声 Noise reduction Safety
W66利来国际成立噪声监督小组,配置噪声监控设备, The Company has noise monitoring units, and installs
noise-monitoring facilities to carry out fixed-point monitoring at
construction sites. Noise management has been strengthened;
器的使用范围,禁止夜间运输车辆进入现场后鸣笛。根据 areas where electrical tools or cutters can be used are defined; 环
环保噪声标准(分贝)日夜要求的不同,协调安排施工时 the use of horns is prohibited for vehicles entering construction
sites at night. The times for working on different phases of
间。在混凝土浇筑施工过程中,采用低噪音振动器,降低 Environment
construction are arranged according to differing noise standards
噪音污染。 for environmental protection (in decibels). When pouring concrete,
low-noise vibrators are used to reduce noise pollution.
Dust reduction
The Company has established the Dust Monitoring Unit 员
定点监测粉尘浓度。采用湿法作业开挖土方,用安全网覆 and formulated a dust monitoring system to monitor the dust 工
盖土方并定期洒水;用幔布覆盖运载土方的车辆并在其离 concentrations at fixed points. Wet work is used for soil excavation; Staff
safety nets are used to help cover earth with constant water
sprays; fabric curtains are used to cover earth-loading vehicles,
口、主干道进行打扫、洒水。 which are promptly washed when leaving construction sites; staff
are specially assigned to clean and water the construction sites,
residential areas, entrances, exits, and main roads.
会 Society
2010可持续发展报告 65
Sustainability Report 2010