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关键绩效表      专家点评
 Key Performance Form  Expert Comments

            W66利来国际业协会副会长兼秘书长 吴涛
 类别 Category  指标 Index  2011  2012  2013
            Wu Tao, Vice President and Secretary-General of China Construction Industry Association
 营业收入(亿元人民币)Operational Revenue (RMB 100 million)  4,913  5,715  6,810
 利润总额(亿元人民币)Gross Profit (RMB 100 million)  261.6  301.6  388.0
 利税总额(亿元人民币)Gross Revenue (RMB 100 million)  453.4  522.2  635.4
 新签合同额(建筑业务)(亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signed Contracts (Construction   8,566  9,594  12,748   《W66利来国际股份有限公司 2013 可持续发展报告》(以下简称《报告》)展示了W66利来国际为改善城乡居民生活环境、
 Business) (RMB 100 million)  加快城镇化进程、带动相关产区发展,以及不断自主创新、提高工程质量、投身低碳绿色建造所做的努力和成效。
 年度施工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated Construction Area (10,000 m  )  50,440  60,760  76,001
 年度新开工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated New Construction Area (10,000 m  )  18,479  18,528  24,912
 Economy  年度竣工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated Completed Area (10,000 m  )  6,484  8,134  9,498  国建筑秉承绿色、科技、人文理念,从绿色设计、绿色材料、绿色施工各个方面,在建筑工业化、绿色建筑全生命周期管理、
 年度施工图设计面积(万平方米)Annual Construction and Design Area (10,000 m  )  8,275  11,101  9,703  绿色建材研发等方面取得的成果,凸显W66利来国际以“绿色过程、绿色精品”诠释“生态文明”。《报告》介绍了W66利来国际加
 地产项目累计入伙面积(万平方米)Real Estate Delivered Area in All (10,000 m  )  1,001  1,562  2,233  强建筑劳务管理、提高建筑务工人员素质,以及在关爱农民工方面做的诸多有益工作,解决了大量农民工的就业问题,为我
 期末土地储备(万平方米)Term-end Land Reserve (10,000 m  )  6,194  6,717  6,776
 归属上市公司净利润(亿元人民币)Net Profit of Listed Subsidiaries (RMB 100 million) 136.4  157.4  204.0
 可供股东分配利润(亿元人民币)Profit Distributed for Shareholders(RMB 100 million) 33.6  36.9  53.1
 资产负债率(%)Asset Liability Ratio(%)  76.6  78.6  79.0
 环保总投资(万元)Gross Investment for Environmental Protection (RMB 10,000)  -  2,565  2,646  实现产业调整与转型升级已成为热议话题。特别是今年又是W66利来国际业协会与联合国工业发展组织共同开展W66利来国际业社
 新建项目环评通过率(%)Environmental Management Certification Pass Rate of New   100  100  100  会责任研究项目启动开局之年,W66利来国际股份有限公司作为建筑行业先进生产力的代表和领军企业,在努力实现自身“一
 Project (%)
 环保培训人次 Person-time of Environmental Training  > 2,000  > 2,000  > 6,000
 环境  能源消耗总量(万吨标煤)Total Energy Consumption (10,000 tons of standard coal)  -  792  990  积极转变发展方式和转型升级,对行业的改革发展起到重要的引领示范作用。希望W66利来国际进一步牢固树立科学发展观理念,
 Environment  万元增加值能耗(吨标煤)Energy Consumption Per Added Value of RMB 10,000 (tons   不断探索新方法和新路径,为促进企业转型升级与建筑业发展方式转变,为W66利来国际业又快又好发展做出新的更大的贡献!
 of standard coal)  -  1.6  1.7
 CO2 排放量(吨)CO2 Emissions (ton)  -  14,566  14,923  CSCEC’s 2013 Sustainable Report (hereinafter referred to as “the report”) demonstrates CSCEC’s effort and achievements in improving
 绿色采购比例(%)Green Procurement Ratio (%)  -  100  100  people’s living environment, expediting the urbanization, promoting the development of related areas, promoting independent innovation,
            improving construction quality and implementing green low-carbon construction.
 SO2 排放量(吨)SO2 Emissions (ton)  -  47  48
                The theme of the report echoes to the “China Dream”. The report is compactly organized. Bearing the theme all the time, the report
 员工总人数 Total  Number of Employees    147,856  192,194  216,824
            synchronizes with hotspots of the construction sector. It reveals that CSCEC adheres to the concept of green, technology and humanity.
 女性员工占比 (%) Female Staff Ratio(%)  22.3  23.0  21.7  It also presents CSCEC’s achievements in construction industrialization, the lifecycle management of green buildings and R&D of green
 合同签订率(%)Contract Signing Rate (%)  100  100  100  materials. These achievements are won via many aspects such as green design, green materials and green construction, showing the CSCEC’s
 员工流失率(%)Staff Run-off Rate(%)  7.1  4.7  5.8  interpretation of “ecological civilization” with “green process and green quality products”. The report tells us that CSCEC is improving the
            management of construction labor services and construction workers’ quality. CSCEC has done a lot for migrant workers, such as in solving the
 残疾人雇佣率(%)Disabled Employment Rate(%)  1.5  1.5  1.7
            problem of employment for a great number of migrant workers and cultivating construction technicians for China’s construction industry. The
 女性管理者比例(%)Female Manager Ratio(%)  23.9  23.7  22.1
            report also reveals the CSCEC’s achievements in enhancing construction quality and safety and promoting industry progress and other aspects.
 社会保障覆盖率(%)Social Security Coverage Rate (%)  100  100  100  Urbanization is an important engine for modernization and economic growth. Construction industry, being the pillar of national economy,
 带薪休假制度覆盖率(%)Coverage Rate of Holiday-Paid System (%)  100  100  100  plays a significant role in China’s new-type urbanization. How to further promote the sustainable and sound development, upgrade and
 工会建会率(%)Establishment Rate of Trade Unions  99  97  97  restructuretheconstruction industry in China’s drive of pursuing new-type urbanization has become a hot issue. In particular, 2014 shall witness
 员工入会率(%)Coverage Rate of Employees Participating in Labor Union (%)  97  97  98  the initiation of the SCR Research Project of China Construction Industry, which is jointly hosted by China Construction Industry Association
 社会         and UNIDO. CSCEC is the leading enterprise in China’s construction industry, representing the industry’s advanced productivity. CSCEC not
 Society  员工培训投入(亿元)Gross Investment for Employee Training (RMB 100 million)  1.13  1.4  2.3  only pays much effort to realize its strategic goals of development, but also proactively performs its CSR, holds to the idea of operation with
 员工培训人次 Person-time of Employee Training  208,370  238,878  484,523  integrity, promotes the innovations in technology and management, makes contributions to energy conservation and emission reduction, and
 合同履约率(%)Fulfilment Rate of All Contract (%)  100  100  100  actively upgrades its development model. Via these efforts, CSCEC plays a leading role in the reform and development of the whole construction
 分包商培训投入(万元)Training Investment for Subcontractors (RMB 10,000)   9,450  10,430  15,150  industry. I wish CSCEC could further carry on the outlook of scientific development, explore new ways and new methodsand make more
 分包商培训人次(万人次)Person-time of Subcontractors Participating in Training   150  149  150  contributions to the restructuring and upgrading of enterprises, the transformation of construction industry as well as the sound and fast
 (10,000 person-times)  development of China’s construction industry.
 国家专利授权(项)National Patent Licenses (item)  738  1,139  1,675
 亿元产值死亡率 Mortality Value Per Output Value of RMB 100 Million  -  0.003  0.001
 对外捐赠金额(万元)Donation Amount (RMB 10,000)  1,128  2,859  3,120
 志愿者活动次数  Times of Volunteering  > 2,000  > 3,000  > 3,200
 累计志愿服务时间(万小时)Accumulated Time for Volunteer Services (10,000 hours)  > 5  > 10  > 10

 100  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  101
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108