





Page 110 - shehuizeren2013
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报告目录                                              GRI 对标 GRI         中国社科院 CASS-CSR 指标对标
             Report Contents                                   GRI Benchmarking   CASS-CSR Index Benchmarking
              协作 • 促进 • 共赢 筑伙伴成长之梦 Coordination ,Promotion, Win-win: Realizing the Partners’ Dream of Improvement
             筑伙伴成长之梦 / 利益相关方的梦想 Realizing the Partners’ Dream of
             Improvement/ Dream of Stakeholders
             筑伙伴成长之梦 / 打造责任供应链 / 供应链管理 Realizing the Partners’ Dream  EC6/HR2/HR5  M3.8/M3.9/S2.7/S2.23
             of Improvement/ Forge Responsible Supply Chain/ Supply Chain Management
             筑伙伴成长之梦 / 打造责任供应链 / 与供应链企业共成长 Realizing the       HR5/HR6/HR7/EC6    M3.5/M3.7
             Partners’ Dream of Improvement/ Forge Responsible Supply Chain/ Supply
             Chain Management
             筑伙伴成长之梦 / 打造责任供应链 / 提高供应链社会责任水平 Realizing the                        G3.2/M3.5/M3.6/E3.2
             Partners’ Dream of Improvement/ Forge Responsible Supply Chain/ Promote
             the Social Responsibility Level of Supply Chain
             筑伙伴成长之梦 / 推进战略合作 / 政府合作 Realizing the Partners’ Dream of   EC4
             Improvement/ Collaboration with Government/ Collaboration with Government
             筑伙伴成长之梦 / 推进战略合作 / 银企合作 Realizing the Partners’ Dream of
             Improvement/ Collaboration with Government/ Cooperating with Banks
             筑伙伴成长之梦 / 推进战略合作 / 企业合作 Realizing the Partners’ Dream of   4.12/SO5
             Improvement/ Collaboration with Government/ Cooperating with Banks
             筑伙伴成长之梦 / 推进战略合作 / 高校合作 Realizing the Partners’ Dream of
             Improvement/ Collaboration with Government/ Cooperating With Colleges and
              创新 • 分享 • 引领 筑行业进步之梦 Creativity, Sharing, Leading: Realizing the Construction Sector’s Dream of Progress
             筑行业进步之梦 / 利益相关方的梦想 Realizing the Construction Sector’s
             Dream of Progress/ Dreams of stakeholders
             筑行业进步之梦 / 维护行业秩序 Realizing the Construction Sector’s Dream of        M3.3
             Progress/ Maintaining the Industrial Order
             筑行业进步之梦 / 创新引领发展 / 管理创新 Realizing the Construction Sector’s
             Dream of Progress/ Innovation Guilds Development /Innovation In Management
             筑行业进步之梦 / 创新引领发展 / 科技创新 Realizing the Construction Sector’s          M2.7/M2.8/M2.9/M2.10
             Dream of Progress/ Innovation Guilds Development / Technological Innovation
             筑行业进步之梦 / 带动行业进步 Realizing the Construction Sector’s Dream of  4.13  M3.1
             Progress/ Promoting the Development of the Industry
              安全 • 关爱 • 和谐 筑社区繁荣之梦 Security, Care ,Harmony: Realizing the Community’s Dream of Prosperous
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 利益相关方的梦想 Realizing the Community’s Dream of
             Prosperous/ Dreams of stakeholders
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 安全生产责任 / 夯实安全基础 Realizing the Community’s   LA7            S3.1/S3.6/S3.7
             Dream of Prosperous/ Safety Production Responsibility/ Consolidating the
             Foundation of Safety
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 安全生产责任 / 提升安全保障水平 Realizing the Community’s  LA9/CA8       S3.2/S3.3/S3.4
             Dream of Prosperous/ Safety Production Responsibility/ Consolidating the
             Foundation of Safety
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 助力社区发展 / 促进就业 Realizing the Community’s Dream  LA2/HR9     S1.7/S4.5
             of Prosperous/ Helping with Community Development/ Stimulating Employment
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 助力社区发展 / 支持民生建设 Realizing the Community’s   EC8/EC9/SO1    S4.4
             Dream of Prosperous/ Helping with Community Development/ Supporting
             People’s Livelihood
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 助力社区发展 / 助力教育事业 Realizing the Community’s   SO1            S4.10
             Dream of Prosperous/ Helping with Community Development/ Stimulating
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 热心公益事业 Realizing the Community’s Dream of   EC1/SO6        S4.12
             Prosperous/ Ardent In Activities For Public Goods
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 热心公益事业 / 定点扶贫 Realizing the Community’s Dream  EC9         S4.9
             of Prosperous/ Ardent In Activities For Public Goods/ Fixed-point Poverty
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 热心公益事业 / 灾区援建 Realizing the Community’s Dream  EC9         S4.9
             of Prosperous/ Ardent In Activities For Public Goods/ Helping Rebuild Disaster
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 热心公益事业 / 志愿者活动 Realizing the Community’s   SO1             S4.9/S4.13/S4.14
             Dream of Prosperous/ Ardent In Activities For Public Goods/ Helping Rebuild
             Disaster Area
             筑社区繁荣之梦 / 热心公益事业 / 海外公益 Realizing the Community’s Dream              S4.9/S4.11
             of Prosperous/ Ardent In Activities For Public Goods/ Charitable Activities
             专题一 Topic 1                                       EN5/EN7
             专题二 Topic 2
             展望 Outlook                                                           A1
             关键绩效表 Performance Form                                               P5.2
             专家点评 Expert Comments                                                 A2
             评级报告 Rating Report                                3.13               A2
             第三方验证 Verification of the Third Party             3.13
             报告指标索引 Reporting Index                            3.12               A3
             反馈意见表 Feedback Form                                                  A4

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