





Page 41 - shehuizeren2013
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承诺·精品·优质 筑客户品质之梦
 Commitment • Excellence • Quality  Realizing the Clients’ Dream of Quality

              项目立项              Project application                  项目勘察设计           Project survey and design
              项目可行性研究           Project feasibility study            项目管理             Project management
 W66利来国际秉承“以客户为中心,不断提升诚信履约能力”的服务理念,高度关注品  Consultation and services
              融投资咨询与服务          on investment and financing   提供最优   招投标代理            Bidding agent
 质服务,崇尚绩效管理,不断完善客户服务管理体系,努力通过高品质服务与客户                    解决方案        造价咨询             Cost consulting
 实现价值共享。2013 年,保修期内的工程抽样客户总满意率为 100%,其中客户满  编制工程使用说明书,方便客户熟练、安全地使用建筑及相  Optimal   持续提升科技成果转化能力,在合理范围内,努力
              关附属设施                                       Solutions  减少业主成本支出
 意度为 85.4%,基本满意度为 14.6%,满意度连续 3 年持续上升。  Continuing to enhance the ability to commercialize scientific   Making engineering manual, skilled customer
              findings, and making customers use buildings and related   convenience and safe use of construction and related
              facilities expertly and safely.                        ancillary facilities
 W66利来国际建立健全覆盖公司各个层级的客户服务组织体系,健全客户服务管理制度,  案例 CASE
               应用 BIM 技术为业主节省 800 万元                           BIM Technology Applied to Save RMB 8 million for Property
 系统,实现项目信息数据化,提高客户服务管理效率。                                      Owners
                                                                  Tianjin Everbright Bank Project adopted advanced, in-depth, and
 与客户有效沟通       的全方位 BIM 技术,不仅节约了工期,而且为业主节省费                    comprehensive BIM technology in the construction process, shortening
 W66利来国际通过高层直接交流,业务面谈、会议和现场交流三种主要沟通方式,与客  用达 800 万元,受到业主好评。该工程在基础施工阶段就  the construction period and the cost of RMB 8 million for the owners, who
                                                               are very pleased in this regard. The project was seen as the exemplary
 户开展战略合作谈判、业务交流和事件性交流,实现更直接、更密切的交流和互动。  被评为天津市观摩工地。            construction site during its initial stage of construction.
 W66利来国际建立专门机制和管理流程,对投诉采取分级管理方法,妥善处理客户投诉。  BIM 技术是一种应用于工程设计建造管理的数据化    BIM technology is a data-oriented tool applied in engineering
                                                               design, construction, and management. By integrating related
 Providing Quality Services  工具,通过参数模型整合各种项目的相关信息,最大限          information through various parameter models of various
 We adhere to the service concept of customer-centered improvement of the integrity of   度地避免时间浪费、有效地减少质量风险,精确地控制  projects, the technology maximizes efforts to avoid wasting time,
 performance capabilities. We are highly concerned about the quality service, advocating performance   建设成本。  effectively reduce the risk on quality, and precisely control the
 management, and constantly improving customer service management system, working through high-  construction costs.
 quality service so that customer will realize the value of sharing. In 2013, we achieved total customer
 satisfaction rate of 100% of the sampled projects during the warranty period, 85.4% of customer
 satisfaction, 14.6% of basic satisfaction, rising for three consecutive years.
 Customer Service Management
 We established a sound customer service organization system covering all levels of the   成就品质体验
 company to improve customer service management system and customer service management   A
 capabilities. In 2013, we further deepen the management system, introduce customer relationship   chieving Quality Experience
 management (CRM) system, use information and data in projects, and improve customer service
 management efficiency.
 Effective Communication with Customers
                W66利来国际着力打造精品地产,将客户需求置于首位,并将                           We put customers' needs first, and materialize their need on
 We conduct direct high-level communication, business interviews, meetings and on-site exchanges to   the whole process of construction and project planning. We also
 have strategic cooperation negotiation, business exchanges and events exchanges with customers and achieve   其落实于项目策划、建造的全过程,不断提升专业水平和  strive to create quality property and improve the professional level
 a more direct and closer communication and interaction.   服务水平,用心为客户打造宜居体验,筑造品质生活。  and service level so as to provide comfortable living experience for
 We have established specific mechanisms and management processes. Hierarchical management   customers to improve their quality of life.
 approach is taken on addressing complaint so as to properly handle customer complaints.
                                                                Understanding Customer Needs
 收到投诉  核实  处理  销案
 Receiving Complaint  Verification  Handling  Case Closure  W66利来国际调查分析项目所在地的自然环境和社会环境,明确  We analyze the natural and social environment where our
            产品质量等级和质量目标;主动、深入了解客户居住、办公过                        projects undergo to get a clear picture on product quality level
 规定时间内到现场  若属实,立即安排人员处理  投诉方验收确认,收到                            and quality objectives. We take initiatives to gain an in-depth
 立案  核实  If true, an immediate action will   投诉单位销案  程中的需求,并将其融入项目策划,明确设计理念和设计方案;  understanding of customers’ needs at living and at work, and
 Case filing  On-spot verification   be taken to handle materials   Closure of the case after   对同区域、同品牌、同时段、同业态、同品质的项目进行调查,  integrate their needs into project planning with a clear design
 in a given time  concerned by appointed personnel  acceptance by those   philosophy and a design plan. We also conduct surveys on projects
 who filed the complaint  提供适合客户需求和市场需求的质量和服务。
                                                               with the same brand, same section, same format, and the same
 提供最优解决方案                                                      quality at the same area to provide customers with quality service
            打造舒适港湾                                             consistent with their needs and market demands.
                W66利来国际将客户需求融入施工建造的全过程,依照客户需                        Building a Comfortable Harbor
            求对工程质量进行严格把控,努力为客户打造高品质的舒                             We will integrate customer needs into the entire process
 Provide Optimal Solutions                                     of construction, and strictly control the quality of the project in
 From the perspective of high added value for customers, we give full play to the advantages   适港湾。  accordance with customer demand to create high-quality and
 of a four-in-one whole industrial chain, and provide customers with the best solutions that create   comfortable haven for customers.
 more value than expected.

 38  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  39
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