





Page 48 - shehuizeren2013
P. 48

高效·低碳·绿色 筑生态和谐之梦
            High Efficiency • Low Carbon • Green Life  Building the Dream of Ecological Harmony

            环保能力建设                                             Capacity Building for Environmental Protection                                                       绿色开发
                                                                  As we attach great importance to employees’ capacity building                                  Green Development
                                                               for environmental protection, special discussions and trainings such
            “绿色设计”等专项研讨和培训,提升员工环保意识和环                          as “Green Marketing” and “Green Design” are organized to elevate
                                                               employees’ environmental consciousness and capacity. In 2013, over
                                                               210 such trainings are held, which involves 6,000-plus employees.
                                                                                                                                         资源节约              绿色理念               物资采购              技术创新
            绿色办公                                               Green Office                                                          Resource Conservation  Green Idea     Material Procurement  Technological Innovation
                W66利来国际持续完善绿色办公制度,引导员工节电、节水、                           We have kept improving the green office policy, guiding
                                                               employees to save electricity, water and paper, thus building up a
                                                               good atmosphere for green office.                                     合理利用土地资源,         运用被动式节能理           同等质量情况下,优          推行“建筑工业化”,
                                                                                                                                     选用节水、节能、节         念,以遮阳设置、保          先采用当地建筑材料;         采用标准化设计、工
                                                                                                                                     材的建筑方式            温隔热、自然通风等          加大绿色采购比例           厂化生产、一体化装
                                                                                                                                     Use land resources   非机械手段实现节能       Give priority to local   修和信息化管理等方
                                                                                                                                     rationally and adopt   降耗            construction materials   式,增效降耗
               空调改造         完成中央空调直燃机改造,制冷、制热效果显著提高。W66利来国际大厦能耗同比大幅下降,节电 47,000 元,节水 9,100 元。                                           construction form                    under the same condition
             Air-conditioning   Complete the reform of direct-fired machine within the central air-conditioning to greatly enhance its cooling and heating effects. The energy   characterized as water-  Adopt passive energy-  of quality and increase   Promote construction
                                                                                                                                                                                             industrialization and
                                                                                                                                                       saving concept and reduce
               Rebuilding   consumption of CSCEC building drops sharply compared with last year, saving RMB 47,000 on electricity and RMB 9,100 on water  saving, energy-saving   energy consumption   the proportion of green   employ standardized
                                                                                                                                     and material-saving                  procurement
                                                                                                                                                       through non-mechanical                design, factory production,
                                                                                                                                                       methods such as                       integrated decoration and
              更换总部大楼门窗密封条,隔音、防尘、防冻、保暖效果明显提高。                                                     门窗密闭改造                                                sunshade set, thermal                 information management
              Renew the sealing strips in the headquarter building to greatly enhance its effects of sound insulation, dust prevention, freeze-  Closed-door   insulation and natural        to increase energy
                                                                                                                                                                                             efficiency and decrease
              proofing and warm-keeping                                                             Reform                                                                                   energy consumption
                Electivity   温的不同反应调节空调温度。
                Saving      Eliminate high-energy-consumption lighting equipment and reduce the amount of fluorescent lights to effectively reduce energy consumption of
                            lighting equipment. Change the constant temperature of the conference air-conditioning according to attendees’ reactions
              鼓励电子化办公,利用内网办公信息系统传递总部公告、重要通知等,减少不必要的纸质和电子文件数量。2013 年各类
              文件简报数量同比减少 4%。                                                                       节约用纸
              Encourage e-office and deliver headquarter announcements and important notices through intranet office information system so as to reduce   Paper Saving  W66利来国际延伸绿色产业链条,充分考虑原料获取过程对环境的影响,加大材料招标中绿色、
              paper waste and the amount of e-documents. In 2013, the amount of documents and briefings are reduced by 4% compared with last year
           I  实施绿色建造                                                                                                               在规划设计阶段进行电脑模拟分析,充分利用被动式节能理念,使建筑在环境对其影响的
              mplementation of Green Construction

                W66利来国际成立绿色建筑与节能委员会,统筹调配全系统资                           We set up a green construction and energy-saving committee       Green Procurement
                                                               to coordinate the deployment of resources as well as guide and
                                                               promote the work of green construction and ecological town              We realize environmental protection at the initial stage of green procurement by extending green
            国务院出台的《绿色建筑行动方案》,启动全生命周期绿                          building. As part of  the Green Construction Action Project issued by   industry chain, fully considering impacts on the environment while obtaining raw materials, as well as
                                                               the State Council, we initiate a life-cycle green demonstration project   increasing weights of environmental protection in the material bidding. Additionally, we evaluate the
                                                               to promote the building of a whole industry chain system including   environmental performance of our suppliers, incorporate environmental protection requirements for energy
            链体系建设,把绿色建造要求融入施工每一个环节,引领                          green R&D, green design and green operation, integrating green      conservation and emissions reduction into our procurement contracts, and support green development of
            绿色建筑的发展。                                           construction into every operation process. In this way we lead the   suppliers.
                                                               development of green architecture.
                                                                                                                                   Green Design
            绿色开发                                               Green Development                                                       We conduct the green design evaluation on the basis of natural and social conditions and project
                W66利来国际将被动式节能的绿色建筑理念逐步引入项目开发                           With the consideration of the theme of industrialized low-       orientation and carry out the design by green level. At the design stage, we make a computer simulation
                                                               carbon, we introduce the concept of passive energy saving into our   analysis and make full use of the passive energy-saving concept to ensure that buildings can gain as many
            体系,围绕低碳节能产业化的主题,结合当地环境,充分                          project development system step by step. We initiate a database     favorable factors as possible to resist the environmental impact and reduce building energy consumption.
            考虑低碳、节能、节地、节水等环保要求,启动研发绿色                          and an integrated application platform for R&D of green products    We also adopt an integrated approach when designing our projects to make them as functional as possible
                                                               after giving full consideration to the local environment and other   and to reduce energy consumption and adverse environmental impacts associated with the building.
                                                               requirements such as low-carbon, energy-saving, land-saving and

            46  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                                                                                                                             共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  47
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