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高效·低碳·绿色 筑生态和谐之梦
 High Efficiency • Low Carbon • Green Life  Building the Dream of Ecological Harmony

 深圳中海大山地项目通过对建筑平面、  提高资源利用率                                    Increasing the Resource Utilization Rate
 剖面的设计,令许多家庭在炎炎夏日可以                                               We follow the 3R principles of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling and
 少用、甚至不用空调;                                                    reduce consumptions of materials, energy and water. Through site storage,
            循环(Recycling)的 3R 原则,减少施工过程中的物耗、能耗、                usage management and recycling of materials, we can save material to
 By its design of architectural plane and
 section, The Dashandi community project of   水耗。通过材料的现场储存、领用管理、回收与利用等,在保  the utmost while ensuring the construction quality. Moreover, we reduce
 China Shipping in Shenzhen makes it possible   障施工质量的前提下最大限度节约材料;通过推广低能耗施工  energy consumption by the popularization of energy efficient construction
 for household to use less or even turn off air-               technologies and adoption of renewable resources such as solar energy and
 conditioners in hot summer.   工艺,应用太阳能、风能等可再生资源,减少能源消耗;通过     wind energy. We also reduce water consumption through techniques such as
                                                               film covering and sack moisturizing. In 2013, total energy consumption was
                                                               9.90 million tons of standard coal, and energy consumption per added value of
            年能源消耗总量 990 万吨标煤,万元增加值能耗 1.7 吨标煤。                  RMB 10,000 was 1.7 tons of standard coal.
                                                               Reducing Pollution and Emission
 济南中海国际社区项目根据其位于泉                                                 In the environmental spirit of control — reduction — recycling,
 城济南地下水补给区的特点,通过顺应地  W66利来国际坚持“控制—减量—再利用”的思路,减少废弃                   we aim to minimize our emissions, maximize our recycling of waste
                                                               and reduce the impact of construction on surrounding communities
 质条件的地下工程、加大地面植被覆盖等  物排放,推进废弃物资源化,降低施工过程中对周边社区、
                                                               and the environment; we promote dust reduction during construction
 技术手段,保持并提升项目所在区域的水  环境的影响;采用降尘作业,推广防尘网和密闭车,降低                 and popularize dust nets and close cars to reduce dust; we use
 苏州中海国际社区项目,利用模拟分析手段,  源涵养能力;  粉尘;通过合理布局现场照明,调整灯光方向等减少光污       reasonable lighting at construction sites, and adjust the direction of
 在设计中采用板点结合、平行布局方式,有效避  The international community project    light in the construction area to reduce light pollution; we promote
 in Suzhou adopts simulation analysis. The   染;通过推广低噪音、低振动的器具降低施工现场分贝值;  low-noise and low-vibration devices to lower the site decibel value;
 community design employs plate combination   设置建筑垃圾堆放点、分类放置,及时清运生活垃圾和建  we designate a place to store on-site waste, classify the waste,
 Taking advantage of its location of being in   and parallel layout, which can effectively   clear and remove all garbage and construction waste to reduce the
 the infiltration area in Jinan, the city of springs, the   avoid wind-damage in winter, elevate thermal   筑垃圾,减少施工现场垃圾数量。全年施工建造过程中二  generation of construction waste.In 2013, we emitted 14.923 tons of
 international Community project in Tsinan maintains   comfort, and make indoor natural ventilation   氧化碳排放量 14,923 吨,二氧化硫排放量 48 吨。  CO 2, and 48 tons of SO 2 in construction processes.
 and promotes the water conservation capacity in the   convenient.
 region through techniques and instruments such as             Protect Biodiversity
 substructure work complying with geological conditions   保护生物多样性  In the construction process, we make investigations of the
 and increase in ground vegetation cover rate.
                在工程建设中,W66利来国际提前开展项目所在地生态环境、动                       ecological environment and conditions of animals and plants in
                                                               advance and draw protection plans accordingly. We also enhance
                                                               employees’ awareness on ecological protection, and label rare
            标识施工区域内的珍稀动植物;通过设立保护区与生物通道、                        animals and plants in the construction areas. Moreover, we implement
                                                               measures, such as setting up reserves and wildlife channels and
 绿色建造   Green Construction   珍稀动植物迁移等完善的动植物保护措施;减少项目对野生        migrating rare animals and plants, to protect animals and plants in
 We establish on-the-spot environmental protection system,   动植物的不良影响,尽力恢复项目所在地的原有生态。  order to minimize the impact of our projects on wildlife and to maintain
 W66利来国际建立施工现场环境保护制度,制定绿色施工方案,                                      the original ecology of the project to the fullest extent.
 make up green construction plans and manage green construction
 通过节约材料与资源利用的定量指标进行绿色施工管理;  through quantitative indicators of material saving and resource   案例 CASE
 utilization. By adopting new green technologies and techniques, we
 promote the green transformation of CSCEC with the latest green   贵阳未来方舟项目引领绿色建造技术发展
 国建筑的绿色转型;制定废品回收计划,分类处理建筑垃  R&D achievements. Also, we classify and recycle construction waste   贵阳未来方舟项目总占地面积 9.53 平方公里,建筑面积
 圾和废弃物,尽可能在现场进行回收利用。W66利来国际加大精装  and other wastes. Meanwhile, we increase the proportion of refined
 decoration to avoid the structural damage of buildings, resource   约 850 万平方米,是集世界级旅游引擎、宜居新城和生态廊道
 修比例,避免零散家装对建筑的结构性伤害、资源浪费与  waste and environment pollution caused by fragmented decoration.
                  在设计之初,W66利来国际申请并获批全国首批生态示范区 ; 开展
 节约建筑材料  生态预防方案  降低粉尘  源监测管理系统、户式垃圾处理等绿色技术,实现建筑物运行               Green Construction Spot of Future Ark Project
 减少能源消耗  员工保护意识  降低噪音
 节约建造用水  完善保护措施  减少建筑垃圾  期的节能减排和生活垃圾的科学管理,降低能耗,减少污染。
 Economize on construction   Ecological  prevention   循环利用  Future Ark Project in Guiyang Leads the Development of Green Construction Technology
 materials  programs  Reduce dust
 Reduce energy consumption  Empl o y ee prot ection   Reduce noise  Future Ark project, with a total covering area of 9.53 square kilometers and construction area around 8.5 million square meters, is
 Economize on water for   consciousness  Reduce construction waste  the sub-center of Guiyang which integrates world-class tourist spot, livable city and ecological corridor.
 construction  Improvement of protective   At the initial stage of design, we succeed in our application for the first batch of national ecological demonstration zones. Then
 measures  Recycling
               we developed R&D and application of green technologies such as plastic formwork, new formwork system and mechanical plastering.
 提高利用率  生态保护  降污减排  What’s more, we achieve energy-saving and emission-reduction in the operation period of buildings and scientific management of
 Enhance Utilization rate  Ecological Protection  Reduce Pollution and Emission  household garbage by the adoption of green technologies such as same-layer drainage, wind power generation, middle water recycling,
               breathing walls, energy monitoring and management system, household waste disposal.

 48  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  49
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