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P. 89

安全·关爱·和谐 筑社区繁荣之梦
 Security • Care • Harmony  Building a prosperous community

 安全标准化建设                            案例 CASE
 图集,编制达标评价实施方案,评估各项目的安全标准化建设,助推安全生产标准化工作稳步推进。  安全生产体验馆
                                          W66利来国际一局建立 “安全体验馆”,以体验式教
                                      安全教育的新模式。项目安全培训体验馆占地面                      安全帽受撞击体验
                                                                                 Helmet collision experience
 传递安全生产责任                             积约 544 平方米,其W66利来国际筑面积为 27 平方米,内
                                      设 19 项体验设施,包括安全帽撞击体验、安全带
 2013 年,W66利来国际与所属企业签订安全生产责任书,实现安全生产责任逐级分解;将安全生产管理

 W66利来国际按照“全覆盖、零容忍、严执法、重实效”的总体要求,统一部署 2013 年度公司安全大                                    平衡木体验
                                                                                 Mobile platform operation training
 检查工作,覆盖面广、重点突出。检查共涉及成员企业 340 家,施工项目 9,876 个,排查安全隐患            The Experience Pavilion of Safety Production
 38,624 条。W66利来国际通过安全意识到现场,领导检查到现场,制度落实到现场,安全配备到现场,清除                   The first agency of CSCEC established an experience
                                                               pavilion of safety production. We take experiential education
                                                               as the basic form, which breaks the traditional way of learning
                                                               to deliver a three-dimensional education to construction staff.
 安全生产培训                                                        We create a new mode of safety education at the construction
 安全生产责任离不开员工的自我要求和自我管理。W66利来国际将员工安全知识和操作技能培训作为安                     site in China. This experience pavilion of safety production
                                      体验馆整体外观                  covers 544 square meters where the floor area is 27 square
 全工作的重要部分,通过集中授课,播放安全宣传片,发放手册,制作宣传栏等形式开展安全教育  Overall appearance of the experience   meters with 19 experience facilities in terms of helmet
 培训工作,使得安全生产入眼、入心、入脑。                                          collision, use of safety belt, balance beam, lifting heavy stuff,
                                                               mobile platform operation training etc.

 Safety Standardization
 We improve the management of safety standardization by issuing safety production management manuals.
 We revise safety atlas at construction site, compile evaluation of the implementation plan as well as evaluate safety   安全生产技术突破
 standardization of all projects to advance the work of safety standardization.
 Improving Safety Control
 We improve the ability and level of safety control through a responsibility system, safety inspection, safety
 training, safety production technological innovations, etc.  实、生动、可视地再现施工现场临时用电、模板工程、高处作业、塔式起重机、施工升降机等
 Deliver the Responsibility of Safety Production
 In 2013, we signed the statement of safety production with owned enterprises within the system so as to
 decentralize the responsibility of safety production step by step. Safety production management is made to be one of   Technological Breakthrough in Safety Production
 the operational goals for corporations at all levels, which is also related to annual salary of responsible persons and   Our safety production is supported by innovative hi-tech methods. Together  with the Housing and
 vital to leader selection and appointment, year-end appraisal of work and performance assessment. We seriously   Construction Office of Fujian Province, we compiled Three-dimensional Visualization Simulation System for
 deliver and practice the accountability system of safety production.  Construction Safety of  Fujian Province, which focuses on the most dangerous construction and engineering
 Safety Inspection                 projects and reappears 8 Construction techniques and safety points of standardization production such as
                                   temporary power, the template works at height, tower cranes, construction lifts etc at the construction site by
 In the spirit of “full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement and pragmatism”, we plan and carry out   three-dimensional simulation in a real, vivid and visible way.
 a safety inspection in the company. This inspection covers 340 member companies and 9,876 construction projects
 and find out 38,624 cases of hidden danger. We popularize the safety awareness, practice the system, bring safety
 equipment, and wipe out hidden danger on site. We see to it that everyone has the consciousness of safety.
 Safety Training
 The responsibility of safety production can’t be done without the self-management of the staff. We make the
 safety knowledge and operating skills of employee a very important part of safety work. We carry out safety training
 by giving lessons, showing safety advertising videos, giving out brochures and making bulletin boards in order to
 make it profound and impressive.

 86  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  87
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