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安全·关爱·和谐 筑社区繁荣之梦
 Security • Care • Harmony  Building a prosperous community

                When CSCEC tries to develop itself, we never forget to redound upon the society by providing jobs, improving infrastructure and stimulating
            relative industries in order to contribute to local economy and social development. CSCEC attaches great importance to safety production and
            public welfare undertakings. We try to contribute to the harmony, stability and sustainable development of society.

 D 利益相关方的梦想  S    安全生产责任
                  afety Production Responsibility
 reams of stakeholders

                W66利来国际坚持“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的安全方针,                        We insist on the safety guideline of “safety first, prevention,
                                                               comprehensive treatment”, comply with the vision of “life first and
                                                               safety first” to promote the standardization of safety production.In
            标准化建设。2013 年,W66利来国际系统安全生产局面总体稳                       2013, the Safety production situation is generally stable for China
                                                               Construction. The production safety accidents and the number of
            定,生产安全责任事故起数和死亡人数同比下降 65% 和
                                                               deaths fell by 65% and 48% respectively. The mortality rate per RMB
            48%,亿元产值死亡率约为 0.001。                               100 million output is about 0.1%.
                 W66利来国际高度重视在安全事故中推行预案管理,在发生安                          We attach great importance to the implementation of
                                                               contingency management in security incidents. In the event of
            全事故后,第一时间启动应急预案,针对事故类型开展后                          accidents, we would activate contingency plans immediately and

 “我丈夫在W66利来国际工作,我每天就盼着他能平平安安回来。”  续处置工作;将事故相关情况向有关政府部门和上级单位       start follow-up settlements according to the accident type; accident-
                                                               related information will be reported to the relevant government
 “现在就业压力大,对毕业生来讲,找一份称心如意的工作太重  汇报,迅速展开对事故的调查工作;同时抚慰相关员工及       departments and higher-level units; investigations process would
 要了。”       其家属,积极安排医疗救治和合理赔偿。在处理事故的同                          be started rapidly; while soothing the relevant employees and their
                                                               families, we actively arrange medical treatment and reasonable
 “解决贫困地区人民眼前的困难很重要,但更重要的是帮助他们  时,W66利来国际进行深刻反思,认真汲取事故教训,总结案例并       compensation. In parallel with incidents settlements, we would
 找到致富的门路,提升致富的能力。”  在系统内通报,对施工现场作业人员开展针对性培训教育;                 carry out reflection and earnestly draw lessons from the accident,
                                                               summarize the case and popularize it throughout the company; We
 “我希望自己能有个温暖的小窝,希望W66利来国际的保障房工程能  举一反三,排查事故隐患,杜绝类似事故的再次发生。        would also conduct relevant training and education targeting the
 够帮我实现梦想。”                                                     construction site worker; We would examine the possible causes of
            夯实安全基础                                             similar accidents completely.  All the above measures would prevent
 “W66利来国际在W66利来国际国家提供了很多就业机会,W66利来国际也希望中国建                                  similar incidents from happening again.
            产标准化建设,保障安全工作常抓不懈,筑牢安全生产基础。                        Consolidating the Foundation of Safety
                                                                  We consistently improve safety management and organization
 “My husband works in CSCEC. I want him to come back sound and safe every
 day.”      安全管理体系                                             system in order to promote the standardization of safety production. We
 “Now, the employment pressure is overwhelming. For a graduate, it’s important   W66利来国际组建覆盖公司总部、所属单位和项目经理部的安  concentrate on safety production to consolidate the foundation of safety.
 to find a satisfactory job.”                                  Safety Management System
 “It’s very important to solve the immediate difficulty of people in poor areas,   全管理组织机构,设置安全生产应急管理组织体系,对可  We establish an organization of safety management which
 but it’s more important to help them gain the ability to be rich.”  能或已经发生的安全事故迅速反应,减少人员和财务损失。  contains a safety and emergency management organization system It
 “I want to have a warm house. And I hope the project of security housing of   can quickly respond to the accidents which have happened or might
 CSCEC can realize my dream.”                                  happen and decrease the personnel and financial loss.
 “CSCEC provides a number of job opportunities in our country. We hope that
 CSCEC can better blend in our culture, learn from each other and make a
 common development.”
                                                   Safety Management Committee

                                所属单位                                      安全应急领导小组
                             Owned Enterprises                         Safety Emergency Leading Group

                               项目经理部                          安全生产应急办公室                 现场处置小组
                          Department of Project Management    Safety Emergency Office  Site Disposal Group

 84  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  85
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