





Page 28 - shehuizeren2013
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合规·诚信·增长 筑股东价值之梦
            Compliance • Integrity • Development  Realizing the Shareholders’ Dream of Value

           E      增强发展能力                                                                                                           市场策略                                               Marketing Strategy

                                                                                                                                                                                         Sticking to the “big market, big client and big project” market
                  nhance Development Capacity
                                                                                                                                   通过大客户管理和增值服务,稳固占领高端建筑市场;通                          strategy, we stabilize the occupancy ratio of high-end construction
                                                                                                                                                                                      market with the aid of big clients and added-value business. We
                                                                                                                                   过加强内部管理,提高产品质量,加强技术创新,形成多                          strengthen internal management and improve product quality and
                                                                                                                                                                                      technological innovation to possess the brand advantage in varied
                W66利来国际紧密围绕“保增长,调结构”的主线,致力于质                           Under the principle of “achieving economic growth in the course   项建筑产品的品牌优势和细分市场的专业优势。2013 年,                      construction products and the professional advantage in subdivided
                                                               of restructuring”, we are devoted to quality-benefit development,   W66利来国际的战略合作伙伴已达 90 家,与大客户签署合作项目金                       markets. In 2013, the number of our strategic partners reached as
                                                               constantly promote the transformation of development mode,                                                             much as 90; the sum of our signed cooperation projects with big
            保障股东价值的最优化和持续性。                                    improve profitability and maintain the optimization and sustainability   额突破 5,000 亿元;房建业务国内平均合同额 3.85 亿元、             clients exceeded RMB 5,00 billion; the average contract value of
                                                               of shareholder value.                                               国外 1.07 亿美元。                                       domestic and overseas construction business stood at RMB 385
                                                                                                                                                                                      million and USD 107 million respectively.
                                                              Promoting Strategy                                                   优化布局                                               Optimizing Business Layout
                W66利来国际遵循“稳中求进、提高发展质量”的经营发展主                           We adhere to the principle of “seeking progress in stability and     W66利来国际通过优化业务布局,调整产业结构,积极寻找和                           We restructure the industry and take an active role in
            旋律,以“五化”发展策略、“三大”市场策略促进公司                         improve development quality” and make our enterprise better based    培育新的利润增长点。在立足房屋建筑工程为主业的基础                          finding and cultivating new revenue growth by optimizing business
                                                              on the “five-improvement” development strategy and three market                                                         layout. Based on the main development of construction industry,
            主业做强做优;坚持稳中求进和改革创新,拓展新型“蓝海”                       strategies. We steadfastly seek progress in stability and innovate in   上,基础设施建设与投资、房地产开发与投资业务实现快                       infrastructure, investment, property development and investment
            业务,保持公司在建筑行业的领军地位。                                reform, expand new “Blue Ocean” business to keep our leading role    速增长,国际工程承包业务持续推进,设计勘察业务稳中                          business have achieved rapid growth; the contracting of international
                                                              in construction industry.                                                                                               projects carries forward; exploration and design business increases
            发展策略                                              Developing Strategy                                                                                                     in a stabilized level. Business expands to a larger extent.
                W66利来国际深入推进“专业化、区域化、标准化、信息化和                           We further promote the “five-improvement” strategy, which is     房建业务在发展中得到优化                                       Construction Business Optimized in Development
                                                              “Professionalization, Regionalization, standardization, informatization
            国际化”的“五化”发展策略,提升公司内在品质,保障“品                                                                                                                                                  In 2013, we won the bid for a batch of iconic engineering
                                                              and internationalization”. We promote ourselves to preserve the          2013 年,公司在国际国内中标一批具有较大影响力的                     projects of great influence. The company does a great job in ultra-
            质保障、价值创造”核心价值观的实现。2013 年,“五化”                     core values of “guarantee quality to create value”. In 2013, “five-  标志性工程项目,在超高层建筑领域优势显著,在机场航                          high-rise building projects and strengthened its professional
                                                              improvement” work has made a series of achievements and
            工作在公司全体员工的努力下取得了一系列成果和突破,                                                                                                                                                 advantages in airport terminals, cultural tourism projects and ultra-
                                                              breakthroughs with the collaborative effort of the staff, upholding the   站楼、文化旅游项目、超洁净厂房等领域的专业优势得到                     clean plant buildings.
            支撑了公司的科学发展和战略转型。                                  scientific development and strategy transformation.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Robust Growth in Capital Construction Business
                                                                                                                                                                                         Capital construction business achieves a rapid year-on-year
                                                                                                                                                                                      growth and the railway contracting market is constantly consolidated.
                                                                                                                                       基建业务同比增长强劲,铁路总承包市场不断巩固,                        We won the bid for Haixi railway and Chongqing-Guizhou railway and
                                                                                                                                                                                      other railway and station building projects. We make innovations
                                                                                                                                                                                      in investment and achieve the new goal of winning the bid for many
                                                                                                                                   通过创新投资方式再创市场佳绩,获得南宁地铁二号线、                          high-end projects such as Nanning metro line 2 and the southern
                                                                                                                                   武汉四环线南段等高端项目。                                      part of Wuhan fourth-ring road.

              专业化                 区域化                标准化                信息化                国际化
              Professionalization  1  Regionalization  2  Standardization  3  Informatization  4  Internationalization  5
                                                                                                                                                                                              1  北京第一高楼 528 米的“中国尊”
              实现专业集团整合升级         区域市场向发达地区集中         构建制度体系树,实          顶层设计宣贯奠定思           新签合约 111 亿美                                                                                        The 528-meter-high “China Wine Wessel”, Beijing’s Highest
              专业板块整合上市取得         区域总部强化服务和协          现分级分类分层管理          想基础                 元,增长 16.2%                                                                                         Skyscraper
              成功                 调管理职能               项目管理标准化示范          完成 16 项信息系统建        海外并购实现突破                                                                                          2  中国第三大火车站 -- 乌鲁木齐火车站
              地下空间专业公司组建         各区域总部差异化协调          单位达标率 100%         设工作                 海外风险管理水平                                           1                    2                          Urumchi Railway Station, China’s Third Largest Railway Station
              成功                 发展                  临建设施产业联盟初          规范主数据应用,加           持续提升                                                                                              3  中海紫御豪庭项目
              Integrate and upgrade group  Regional markets centralize   具雏形  强信息安全防护       Newly-signed contracts                                                                             China Overseas Property: Ziyu Grand Palace Project
              Integrate the listed board  in advanced areas  Build a tree structure   The top layer design lay the   reach $11.1 billion with
                                                                                            an year-on-year growth
              Build a group in underground   Regional  headquarter   of systems to achieve   inner foundation   of 16.2%                                                                      4  美国普拉斯基高架桥改造工程
                                                                                                                                                                                               American PLAZA Viaduct Renewal Project
              space              improves service and   hierarchical classification   16 information system
                                 coordinated management  and management  cons truction w ork   Breakthroughs made                                                                              青岛新机场设计方案
                                 Regional headquarters   Pilot projects achieve   completed  in overseas merger and                                                                           5  New Qingdao Airport Designing Scheme
                                 achieve differentiated and   100% standardized             acquisition
                                 coordinated development  project management   Standardize the main data   Overseas risk control                   3      4
                                                                        application and strengthen
                                                     Industry association of   the safeguarding of   keeps improving                                                            5
                                                     temporary facilities takes   information security

            26  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                                                                                                                             共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  27
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