





Page 30 - shehuizeren2013
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合规·诚信·增长 筑股东价值之梦
            Compliance • Integrity • Development  Realizing the Shareholders’ Dream of Value

                                                                                                                                                        充分性监察                           有效性监察
                                 房地产开发与投资业务继续保持两位数增长。中海地产迈入年销售额千亿俱                                                                                    Supervise Completeness  符合性监察  Supervise Effectiveness  适宜性监察
                                                                                                                                                                      Supervise Complinace            Supervise Suitablity
                                                                                                                                                     检查现有业务流程制度 检查实际业务行为是 检查业务执行实际结                  检查现有制度规定的
                                                                                                                                                     内容是否充分覆盖业务 否符合制度要求              果是否达到管理与经       业务流程设计是否适
                                                                                                                                                     执行与管理全过程        Check that whether the   济绩效考核指标  宜,即科学合理、经
                             海外业务发展持续推进                                                                                                              Check that whether  actual business complies  Check that whether the   济有效
                                                                                                                                                     the operation system  with the regulation  actual results of business   Check that whether the
                                 大海外事业平台促进内部资源协同能力提升,各海外分公司中标多项重要工                                                                                   fully covers the whole  requirements  execution achieve the   business process design
                                                                                                                                                     process of execution and        goal of management and   by current regulations is
                             程,海外并购业务实现突破,成功收购美国 PLAZA 建筑公司。                                                                                         management                      economic performance   scientifically reasonable
                                                                                                                                                                                     evaluation      and economically effective
                                                                                                                                                     案例 CASE
                             Property Business Keeps Leading in Quality
                                 Property and investment business keeps a double-digit growth. The sales of China
                             Overseas Property exceed RMB 100 billion ranking No. 1 in blue-chip enterprises and winning                                   2013 年,公司所属各二级企业加大责任追究力度,对因失职、渎职、
                             “a leading band in Chinese property industry” for ten straight years. Every engineering bureau
                             begins to benefit from the investment in property business.                                                               管理缺失给企业造成损失,又不构成违法犯罪的领导人员和直接责任人给
                             The Ongoing Development of Overseas Business
                                 The overseas platform promotes the coordinated capacity of internal resources. The                                        W66利来国际某土建项目施工现场管理混乱,人工费较高,项目出现亏损。所
                             overseas branches won the bid for many important projects. They have made breakthroughs                                   属公司纪委扣缴项目经理风险抵押金 8 万元,免除其项目经理职务,并给
                             in overseas merge and acquisition business and acquired American PLAZA.
                             Exploration and Design Business Keeps a Steady Growth
                                                                                                                                                       Strictly Deal With the Misconduct Case
                                 Exploration and design business keeps a steady growth. We further carry forward the                                       In 2013, every affiliated enterprise at the second level enhanced the
                             research and practice of green design, keep exploring “the great plan” urban development                                  accountability. Leaders and directly responsible individuals whose dereliction of
                             mode and make some positive progress. What’s more, linkage effect between exploration and                                 duty, malpractice and absence of management caused a loss but did not constitute a
                             design and general contract business has been greatly strengthened.
                                                                                                                                                       crime shall be punished for breaching CPC party disciplines and bore corresponding
                                                                                                                                                       economic compensation.
                                                                                                                                                           One civil construction site of CSC suffered losses due to its chaotic management
                                                                                                                                                       and surprisingly high labor costs. The commission for discipline inspection of its parent
                             效能监察                                                                                                                      enterprise withdrew project manager’s RMB 80,000 risk deposit, removed his post and
                                                                                                                                                       punished him with a three-year no access to this industry.
                             2013 年,W66利来国际按照 ISO9000 质量管理模式,建立效能监察体系。体系以业务流
                             程的运行效能为工作单元,从充分性、符合性、有效性、适宜性四个维度测试                                                                                     盈利能力
                             查与验证整改情况。全年形成效能监察报告 894 份,间接增加经济效益 2.93 亿元。
                             Efficiency Supervision                                                                                                 可持续性。2013 年,每股收益 0.68 元,经济增加值 155.2 亿元人民币,资产负

                                 Efficiency supervision is an important way to help enterprises to promote management,                              债率 79%。
                             capacity and profitability. In 2013, we built efficiency supervision system according to ISO9000
                             quality control mode. We made the operation efficiency of business process as the working                              Profitability
                             unit of this system. We tested and evaluated the management efficiency of the enterprise from                              We establish a sound mechanism to protect the rights and interests of investors, focus
                             the perspective of completeness, conformance, validity and appropriateness. When finding the                           on the long-term earnings and returns of shareholders, consolidate risk control and keep
                             problems, we put forward supervision suggestions and decisions and reviewed and verified the                           improving profitability. We improve operation performance to make shareholder value best
                             rectifications one by one. The total number of the annual reports about efficiency of the whole                        optimized and sustainable. In 2013, earnings per share was RMB 0.68; the economic added
                             year stands at 894, bringing in an indirect income of RMB 293 million.                                                 value was RMB155,200 million; the asset liability ratio was 79%.

            28  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                                                                                                                             共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  29
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