





Page 71 - shehuizeren2013
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协作·促进·共赢 筑伙伴成长之梦
 Coordination • Promotion • Win-win  Realizing Partners’ Dream for Development

 与供应链企业共成长                                       全面促进供应链企业履行社会责任
                                                Fully Stimulate Suppliers to Perform CSR
              选择、鼓励负责任供应商                     检查、测评企业社会责任履行情况                  帮助、引导企业履行社会责任
 中遇到的难题,与供应链企业相互促进,共同成长。2013 年,分包商培训投
              Choose  and encourage responsible suppliers  Inspect and evaluate the CSR performance of suppliers   Help and guide the enterprises to perform CSR
 入 15,150 万元,培训人数 150 万人次。
              实行供应商资格认证                       完善供应链管理体系                        增加培训,提高供应链企业社会责任意识
 Develop with Enterprises in the Supply Chain  多种形式筛选负责任供应商  评估供应链企业安全生产、环境保护、诚  加强监管,保障企业社会责任有序推进
              以增加订单等方法鼓励负责任供应商                信等情况                             签订合同,约束供应链企业保证相关方权益
 Suppliers and subcontractors are our long-term and intimate partners. Under the   Perform  qualification  identification  of   Improve supply chain management system  Take part in training to promote CSR
 instruction of “efficient coordination and strategic reciprocity”, we bring our special and   suppliers  Evaluate production safety, environment   awareness of enterprises of supply chain
 industrial advantages into full play and help suppliers and subcontractors solve problems   Select responsible suppliers  through   protection and credit of supply chain  Strengthen supervision to ensure the orderly
 during the implementation of projects to fulfill the common development of CSCEC and   various ways  performance of CSR
 suppliers along with subcontractors. In 2013, investment for training Subcontractors is RMB   Encourage responsible suppliers by giving   Sign contracts and control the supply chain to
                                                                               ensure both parties’ interests.
              more orders and other ways
 151.5 million, participating in Training is 1.5 million person-times.

           P      推进战略合作
 Being Interdependent and Develop Together
                  romoting Strategic Cooperation

                W66利来国际遵循“诚信、创新、超越、共赢”的精神,充分                           Bearing the spirit of “Integrity, Innovation, Transcendence,
                                                              and Win-win Outcomes”, we bring the core competitiveness of
 创新完善沟通渠道,实现信  组织供应商、分包商开展  与优质分包商建立长期合  发挥W66利来国际的核心竞争优势,与各级政府、企业、金融  CSCEC into full play and cooperate with governments at all levels,
 息资源共享  多种形式培训  作关系 , 帮助其解决项目  机构、科研院校等相关方在综合开发、大型项目投标、资      enterprises, financial institutions and research institutions in the
 定期组织供应商见面会,听  帮助分包商提升施工能  实施过程中的难题                           fields of comprehensive development, large scale project bidding,
 取意见与建议  力,推进技术升级  Establish long-term cooperative   金融通、地产开发等领域开展合作,充分实现优势互补和
 relationship with excellent                                  finance and real estate development to fully realize complementary
 Inno v at e and impr o v e   Organize suppliers and   subcontractors and assist   利益共享。  advantages and shared interests.
 communication channels,   subcontractors to take part in   them in solving problems in the
 share the inf ormation   various training programs  implementation of projects
 recourses  Help subcontractors to
 Organize suppliers meetings   promote construction
 on a regular basis and listen to   performance and to upgrade   国外:  中国银行  协鑫集团         清华大学
 suggestions and advice  technology  巴哈马政府  国家开发银行              美高梅集团                    同济大学
               巴基斯坦政府                  中国进出口银行                  中国移动                     浙江大学
               国内:                     中国农业银行                   万达集团                     哈尔滨工业大学
               天津滨海新区、广东省、             汇力基金                     陆家嘴集团                    天津大学
               江西省、河北省、四川省、            科威特中央银行                  中南集团                     华南理工大学
               河南省                     Bank of China            GCL                      中国矿业大学
               浙江台州市、湖北黄冈市、            China Development Bank    MGM Reports International  重庆大学
 提高供应链社会责任水平   台湾新竹市                   The Export-Import Bank of   China Mobile          Tsinghua University
               Abroad:                 China                    Wanda Group              Tongji University
                                       Agricultural Bank of China
                                                                Lujiazui Group
 W66利来国际不仅重视自身履行企业社会责任,也努力将社会责任理念和要求融入  Government of Bahamas   HuiLi Fund  Zhongnan Group    Zhejiang University
               Pakistani government    Central Bank of Kuwait                            Harbin Ins titut e of
 供应链。W66利来国际将尊重人权、环境保护、质量控制等要求明确写入分包采购合同,  China:                                             Technology
               Binhai New District of                                                    Tianjin University
 鼓励和带动供应链企业积极承担社会责任,与供应链企业共同实现可持续发展。  Tianjin                                            South China University of
               Guangdong Province, Jiangxi                                               Technology
               Province, Hebei Province,                                                 China University of Mining
               Sichuan Province, Henan                                                   Technology
               Taizhou of Zhejiang Province,                                             Chongqing University
  Promote the Social Responsibility Level of Supply Chain  Huanggang
               of Hubei Province, Hsinchu of
 We not only pay attention to our own performance of CSR and at the same time try   Taiwan
 our best to inject social responsibility idea and demand into our supply chain. We include
 content of respect for human right, environment protection and quality control into the
 subcontracts and procurement contracts. We encourage and guide the suppliers to actively
 take upon social responsibility and try to achieve the common sustainable development for   政府合作  银企合作  企业合作  高校合作
 CSCEC and suppliers.  Cooperation with Governments  Cooperation with Banks  Cooperation with Enterprises  Cooperation with Universities

                                                  2013 年W66利来国际主要战略合作伙伴
                                                     Major Partners of CSCEC in 2013

 68  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  69
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