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协作·促进·共赢 筑伙伴成长之梦
 Coordination • Promotion • Win-win  Realizing Partners’ Dream for Development

 政府合作  Collaborating with Governments
 With the advantages in brand, management, technology and
 talents, we cooperate with government departments at all levels,
 府展开密切合作,签订《合作框架协议》,推动地区在  signing Cooperation Framework Agreement, which pushes the
 regional development in green construction industry, e-commerce,
 combination of industry and finance, new urbanization and other
 化等板块的发展,最大化地实现企业价值。2013 年 12 月,  modules, realizing the maximization of the corporate value. In
 W66利来国际中东公司荣获阿联酋公共工程部 “最佳政府合作交  December, CSCEC Middle East Company won the Best Government
 Cooperation and Exchange Award granted by the Public Engineering
 流奖”。   Ministry of UAE.

 银企合作  Cooperating with Banks
 Capital guarantees the enterprise’s successful operation.
 资金是企业成功运营的保障。W66利来国际不断加深与金融机  与美高梅国际度假集团签订战略合作协议                          与清华大学合作签约仪式
 We keep intensifying the cooperative partnership with financial   Signing a strategic cooperation agreement with MGM Resort Group  Signing contract with Tsinghua University
 构的合作关系,建立长期稳定的合作机制,实现“银企并进,  institutions and establish long-term and stable cooperative
 mechanisms, opening the new chapter of “advancing together with
 banks to seek win-win cooperation”.
 W66利来国际与多家银行在房地产开发、海外收购、建筑、投  We further launch cooperation with several banks in the   高校合作  Cooperating with Colleges and Universities
 fields of property development, overseas acquisition, finance    Cooperating with colleges and universities is an effective
 资理财、金融市场、全球交易等业务领域进一步展开合作,  与高校合作是企业发展的有效渠道。W66利来国际与知名高校
 and investment, financial market, global trade and more. We   channel for enterprise development. We establish long-term strategic
 拓展融资渠道,创新融资模式,全面构建战略合作关系,  expand finance channels, innovate on finance mode, establish   建立中长期战略合作关系,在人才培养、科技研发、技术  cooperation partnership with famous colleges and universities. To
 不断增强市场竞争力。  strategic and cooperative partnership and keep intensifying market   创新、成果转化、学生就业、博士后科研工作站、工程施  make our own advantages and resources complemented, allocated
 competitiveness.                                              and shared, we extend multi-level and extensive cooperation in
            工合作等领域开展多层次广泛合作,努力实现双方优势和                          the areas of personnel cultivation, scientific R&D, technological
            资源的互补、配置和共享。                                       innovation, transformation of achievements, employment, post-
 案例 CASE                                                       doctoral research station and engineering construction.

 参与建设巴哈马大型国际度假村  Participating in Constructing a Large-scale Resort in the
 在巴哈马大型海岛度假村项目中,公司通过与中国进                     以企业为主体,以市场为导向,加深校企合作
 Regarding the large-scale island resort project in Bahamas, we   Centered by Enterprise; Market-oriented; Expand Cooperation with Colleges
 出口银行合作,以融投资带动工程总承包的全新运作模式,  cooperated with export-import banks, switched to a new operating
 在原项目投资人放弃投资的情况下,保障项目运作顺利推  mode of general project contracting through finance investment, and
 guaranteed the smooth operation even when the former investor
 进。公司在整个项目中扮演投资和总承包商的双重角色,  abandoned his investment. Our enterprise played a role as an investor   推行“产学研”一体的  投资教育发展基金会,  聘请高校优秀教授作  与高校共建企业专业硕  与高校联合创新,共
 借助融投资的话语权,依托国际水准精英团队,成功推进  and general contractor in the whole project and managed to promote the   学术交流模式,在高校  用于学科建设、奖学  为技术管理顾问  士、博士研究生、博士  同申请、搭建国家级
 project with the aid of the initiative gained by excellent team and financial   建立学生培养实践基地  金和人才培养  Hire the excellent   后科研工作站,为企业  科研开发平台,开发
 项目建设。        Promote the integrated                 prof es sor s as the   培养高层次人才         科研成果
 investment.                      Invest in education
 该项目实现了金融资本与产业资本相结合,开创了  This project integrated banking capital into industrial   “production,  study   development fund for   consultant of technology   Co-build professional   Innovate together with
              and research” scholar
                                                                                            colleges, apply and
                                  subjects construction,
 capital, setting a precedent: the enterprise cooperated with   exchange  mode  and   scholar ships and   graduate, doctoral   establish national-
 企业在海外项目经营中联合银行实施融投资带动总承包  establish the practice                       student and post-doctoral
 banks to make financial investment power general contracting   base in colleges  personnel cultivation  research station with   level scientific research
 的先河,提升了中国承包商在全球的整体竞争实力。  in overseas project. As a result, the overall competitiveness of       colleges and cultivate   development platform to
                                                                                            seek scientific outcomes
 China’s contractors was improved in the global market.                 excellent personnel
             案例 CASE
 企业合作  Cooperating with Enterprises
 We keep expanding areas of cooperation. We make in-
 W66利来国际不断拓宽业务合作领域,在海外市场开拓、规划  与清华大学合作开展首个技术开发课题                    Cooperating with Tsinghua University on the First Technology
 depth exchanges and explorations in the mode of overseas market   Development  Research
 布局、合作模式等方面进行深入交流与探索;通过并购合  expansion, planning & layout as well as cooperation, continue to   W66利来国际安装公司与清华大学于 2013 年 10 月确定了首
 increase resource allocation and enlarge the development scale by   In October 2013, China Construction Installation Engineering
 作等方式不断增强自身资源配置、壮大发展规模,与合作  个技术开发课题“基于 BIM 机电安装工程的动态工程量        Co. Ltd and Tsinghua University cooperated on their first technology
 means of cooperation such as merger and acquisition, and create
 方共同创造出更为广阔的发展空间。  broader development space with partners.   计算机应用研发”。项目通过机电安装领域 BIM 技术的  development research project“computer applied R&D based on
 W66利来国际与大量企业展开高端战略合作,共同提升市场竞  We launch high-end strategic cooperation with many other   深层次研究与开发,达到 BIM 技术在石化、机电、钢结  the dynamic project value of BIM M&E equipment installation”. We
                                                               carried out in-depth R&D in the fields of M&E equipment installation
 enterprises and jointly promote market competitiveness. In 2013,
 争力。2013 年,W66利来国际与中国移动、万达集团、中南集团等  we signed strategic cooperation agreements with China Mobile,   构、化工设备制造领域的全面进步与应用。  to achieve all-round improvement and application in manufacturing
 签订战略合作协议,搭建市场开拓和业务互补等方面的双  Wanda Group and Zhongnan Group and more, providing a win-win   areas such as petrification, M&E, steel structure and chemical
 cooperation platform for market expansion and complementary   equipment.

 70  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  71
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