





Page 77 - shehuizeren2013
P. 77

创新·分享·引领 筑行业进步之梦
 Creativity • Sharing • Leading  Realizing Dream of Progress of the Construction Sector


                As the largest real estate conglomerate in China, CSCEC undertakes the mission of developing construction and property industry and
            performs the function of serving this industry. We make efforts to maintain the industry order, carry forward innovation in management and
 D 利益相关方的梦想  In a word, we extend our exchanges and cooperation with counterparts at home and abroad, leading the industry to a better one.
            technology, and spur our enterprise and the whole industry to achieve the sustained, healthy, scientific and excellent development by innovation.
 reams of stakeholders

           M       维护行业秩序

                   aintaining the Industrial Order

                W66利来国际积极维护建筑行业秩序,倡导理性竞争,努力营                           We take an active role in maintaining industry order, advocate
 “以科技创新助推W66利来国际的转型升级。”                                           rational competition and try to foster a fair, just and transparent
 “作为公司的一份子,我希望有更多的平台发挥自己的创新能力。”                                environment in construction industry. Our business expansion
            拓以高端市场为主,兼顾部分中端市场,为民营企业拓展                          aims mainly at high-end markets and some midrange markets. We
            成长空间,推动建筑行业整体协调发展。                                 explore development space for private enterprises and direct the
 “W66利来国际希望W66利来国际积极共享发展经验,引领行业发展方向。”                                  overall construction industry to achieve coordinated development.
                作为行业排头兵,W66利来国际不断强化项目履约能力,保证                           As a leading enterprise in this industry, we keep strengthening
 “As a private enterprise in construction industry, we expect broader market development   建筑工程的质量和安全,提升市场竞争实力,以对工程项  the capacity to carry out contract, guarantee the quality and security
 space. ”                                                      of construction engineering, promote market competitiveness,
 “Creativity is the soul of enterprise advancement as well as the only way to keep pace with   目高度负责的态度,为行业树立典范,塑造负责任的品牌  setting an example for the whole industry and build a responsible
 the development of our time.”  形象。                            brand.
 “Transform and upgrade Chinese construction by the medium of technological innovation.”
 “As part of the enterprise, I hope that more platform can be provided to make full use of my
 “We expect Chinese Construction to extend more extensive exchanges, understand the
 cutting-edge construction engineering and keep pace with the time.”
 “We hope that CSCEC can share development experience and take a lead in this industry.”  I 创新引领发展
              nnovation Guides Development

                W66利来国际深入思考创新与企业可持续发展之间的深刻内涵,                          We explore the relationship between innovation and sustainable
                                                               development, drive enterprise development, breakthrough
                                                               in technology and advancement in industry by innovation in
            步的强力引擎,全力打造全产业链的创新优势。                              management and technology, and make every effort to gain edges
                                                               over the industry chain.
                                                               Management Innovation
                W66利来国际积极推进管理模式转变,全面实施管理创新,在                           We actively upgrade management mode including restructuring,
            结构调整、增长方式、集约化管理、发展目标和发展理念                          growth mode, centralized management, development goals and
                                                               concepts. As a result, we enhance our control capabilities. Against
            五大领域实现管理模式升级,增强公司的管控能力。2013                        the severe external background. In 2013, our enterprise led to a big
            年,公司实现逆势增长,为行业管理创新树立了典范。                           reversal growth, setting a good example of industry management.

 74  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  75
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