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P. 81

创新·分享·引领 筑行业进步之梦
 Creativity • Sharing • Leading  Realizing Dream of Progress of the Construction Sector

 W66利来国际以打造“绿色W66利来国际”和“数字W66利来国际”为核心,全  We focus on building “green CSCEC” and “digital CSCEC”, and
 make every effort to carry forward green architecture, construction
 力推进绿色建筑、建筑工业化和 BIM 技术研究与应用,通
 industrialization and the research and application of BIM technology.   案例 CASE
 过建立健全组织体系,组织编制各项制度和规范标准,推  We take effective measures such as establishing a sound system,   年度专利授权数(项)
 compiling institutions and standards and launching pilot projects                   Annual Patent Licenses (Item)
 进示范工程等有效措施,打造全产业链的技术创新优势,  科技之光闪耀天津港
 so as to make the best of technological innovation in the industrial
 推进公司转型升级,为推动建筑工程行业的技术创新发展  chain, upgrade our enterprise and make contributions to the   天津港国际邮轮码头项目将 BIM 设计全过程应用于工程建设,在设计阶段,项  2,000
 innovation development of the construction engineering industry.                                       1,675
 贡献力量。         目部利用 BIM 软件深化设计每一个构件,逐区域、逐层、逐点地定位出每个大钢构
               件同外装饰面层之间的净距离,达到了施工控制的各项要求,实现“零”返工。                                              1,139
 绿色建筑  建筑工业化  BIM 技术研究与应用                                                         1,000
 Green construction  Industrialized construction  BIM technology research and application   在施工阶段,利用 BIM 技术深化设计图纸 12,880 张、编制方案 208 份、组  738
 开展全产业链的绿色建筑技术研究,致力于研发智能  以标准化生产方式贯穿完整产业  通过整合建筑项目供应链各企业间信息流  织专家论证 9 次,成功解决了海边大型公建的建筑外形复杂、屋面结构特殊、  500
 材料  链,实现造房全过程的工业化、集  的技术手段,实现精确控制建设成本,降  机电系统复杂、综合排布难度高等技术难题,确保了工程的最佳实施效果。该
 Carry out the research on green construction technologies   约化和社会化  低质量风险        0
 in the industry chain and remain committed to intellectual   Achie v e  indus trialization,   Accurately control the construction cost and   项目荣获中国土木工程詹天佑大奖。  2011 年  2012 年  2013 年
 materials R&D  intensification and socialization in the   reduce the quality risk through integrating
 whole process with the employment   the information flow of enterprises in   Up-to-date Technology Benefits the Port of Tianjin
 of standardized production pattern in   construction industry chain  The project of international cruise terminal in port of Tianjin applied the whole
 the whole industry chain
               process of BIM design into engineering construction. In the design phase, the department
  建立健全组织体系  开展建筑工业化全面技术调研  组建 BIM 技术委员会
 对内梳理专家资源,对外建立专门机构试点  研发自有知识产权工业化技术  立项课题研发  of management further designed every component by BIM software, located the net
 引领绿色建筑制度规范  Carry out research on the overall   编制建筑工程设计、施工 BIM 应用指南等  spacing between the steel member and external decorative wall, and met every need of the
 整合优势资源开展技术研究与应用  technologies of industrialized   标准规范  construction control with no rework.
 技术落地,确定示范工程  construction  推进 25 项示范项目  In the construction phase, we completed 12,880 pieces of design drawings, made out
 Research on and develop the
 Establish sound systems  technology of IPR industrialization  Set up BIM technology committee  208 plans, and organized experts to demonstrate nine times. Finally, we succeeded in solving
 Review expert resources internally and establish specialized trial   Sponsor project R&D  the technical problems of the large-scale seaside public building such as its complicated
 institutions externally  Compile construction engineering design
 Take a lead in formulating the code of green construction  and enforce standards such as BIM   appearance and M&E system, special structure and difficult overall layout. Consequently, we
 Integrate valuable resources for technology research and application  application guidance  completed this project successfully and received “Zhan Tianyou” award, we completed this
 Put technology in place and confirm pilot project  Carry forward 25 pilot projects  project successfully and received Zhan Tianyou award.

 案例 CASE

 统计分析三大优势为一体,可实现 6 万科技人员上线多维
 度查询科技资料信息和科技信息交流、5,000 名科技管理人  天津港国际邮轮码头客运大厦项目
               The project of international cruise terminal in the Tianjin Port
           P      romoting the Development of the Industry
 效率提升奠定了坚实基础。     带动行业进步

 Building the First Information Platform for Technology Management
 We followed the principle of “assuming full responsibility” and built the first technology management platform in the industry   W66利来国际时刻关注行业发展动态,充分发挥行业科学发展的引领者角色,主动参与国
 considering both our demand and the industry guidance.
 This platform integrated our three edges, that is, technology management, intelligent technology bog-data inquiry and   家和行业发展研究、规划及标准制定,推进产业结构升级;主办、参与各项专业论坛
 automatic statistical analysis. It could enable 60,000 technology workers to inquire multi-dimensional information and communicate   和学术活动,致力于推动行业创新发展。
 online, and 5,000 technology managers to work online. What’s more, this platform realized the automatic generation, orderly
 management and effective use of CSCEC talent pool. It had other functions such as the automatic generation, accurate statistics and   We attach great importance to the development of industry and play a role in leading the
 analysis of all kinds of tedious statistical data about science and technology. The platform laid a solid foundation for technological   industry to scientific development. We take initiative in participating in domestic and industrial
 innovation and efficiency improvement.  developmental research, drawing out plans and criteria as well as promoting industrial upgrading.
            In addition, we hold and attend all kinds of professional forums and academic activities in order to
            facilitate the innovative development of industry.

 78  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  79
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