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协作·促进·共赢 筑伙伴成长之梦
            Coordination • Promotion • Win-win  Realizing Partners’ Dream for Development


                                                                                                                                       CSCEC always bears the concept of “perceiving responsibility, providing fine returns, cooperation and win-win” when we collaborate
                                                                                                                                   with our partners. We establish long-term strategic partnership with our partners. We continuously innovate cooperation model and integrate
                                                                                                                                   resources, seeking development through cooperation and seeking win-win outcomes through coordination. Our partners and us develop
                                                                                                                                   together and share value together.
                                                                                                                                   F     打造责任供应链

                                                                                                                                         orging Responsible Supply Chain

                         D      利益相关方的梦想                                                                                           应链管理机制,实行阳光采购,严格信守合同承诺,保障                          We establish a supply chain management mechanism, realize
                                                                                                                                                                                         Responsibility chain is for the corner stone of quality projects.
                                reams of Stakeholders
                                                                                                                                                                                      legitimate interests of suppliers and subcontractors and enhance the
                                                                                                                                   供应商、分包商合法权益,不断提升供应链企业社会责任                          transparent procurement, abide by contract commitment, ensure the
                                                                                                                                                                                      CSR level of supplying enterprises to forge a responsibility supply
                                                                                                                                                                                      chain of construction and real estate industry.
                                                                                                                                   供应链管理                                              Supply Chain Management
                               “W66利来国际渴望得到公平公正的对待与回应。”                                                                                                                                       In accordance with our procurement management idea of
                               “W66利来国际希望与W66利来国际在人才培养、技术支持、理论研究等方面合作,                                                                                                                        “finding value, cooperation, win-win, transparency”, we make strict
                                                                                                                                   管理理念,制定严谨、规范的管理制度,推行《集中采购                          and standard management regulations, carry out the Manual on
                                                                                                                                   管理手册》、《廉洁合作协议》,不断完善细化管理,倾                         Central Procurement Management and Anti-corruption Agreement
                               “与W66利来国际合作,W66利来国际期待服务能让W66利来国际舒心,产品能让W66利来国际安心,                                                                                                                       with Suppliers and continuously improve divided management to
                                                                                                                                   力打造完美责任供应链 。                                       build up a perfect responsibility supply chain.
                               时也利于W66利来国际自身发展。”                                                                                                           完善供应商选择标准,加强对供应商的考察和资质审评
                               “作为央企,W66利来国际应该在城市基础设施建设和市政公用事业投资                                                                           High Quality   坚持公正、公开、公平的透明化采购,与供应商签署廉洁协议
                                                                                                                                        Purchasing    Improve supplier selection standard and strengthen the inspection and qualification review on the suppliers
                               上加大力度,以改善民生为己任。”                                                                                                       Adhere to fair, open, just and transparent purchasing and sign integrity protocol with suppliers
                               同发展。”                                                                                                   创新分包模式,转变管理方式,落实分包商安全工作
                                                                                                                                       监督管理分包商的施工质量、施工进度                                                              分包商控制
                               “We are eager to get fair and just treatment and response.”                                             Innovate subcontract model, change management model and ensure the work safety of subcontractors  Subcontractors
                               “We hope that we can cooperate with CSCEC in the fields of talents training,                            Supervise the construction quality and construction schedule of subcontractors
                               technical support and theoretical research and we hope that the enterprise can
                               invest more on scholarships and scientific aids.”
                                “We are expecting comfortable service, safe products and high quality in the                        案例 CASE
                               cooperation with CSCEC.”
                               “We are glad to supply various financing channels for enterprises with promising                       黄牌警告,红牌罚下——严格把关选择供应商                            Yellow Card & Red Card Given:Strict in Selecting Suppliers
                               prospects and good credit, which is also beneficial to our development.”
                               “As a Central Enterprise, CSCEC should invest more in the infrastructure                                   为加强对供应商的监督和管控力度,W66利来国际五局推行                         In order to strengthen the supervision and control of the suppliers,
                               construction and public utilities and take the improvement of people’s livelihood as                   “项目供方分色预警管控方法”,对有“违规”行为的                        carried out “colored regulation and control scheme for suppliers”, gave a
                               its own business.”                                                                                                                                     yellow card warning to suppliers who violated regulation and gave a red
                                “We hope that we can learn from each other and develop together in the course of                      供应商给予黄牌警告,行为恶劣的红牌罚下。                            card to exclude the suppliers who seriously violated regulations.
                               long-term cooperation with CSCEC.”                                                                                                                        The regulation and control scheme specifies 23 “violations
                                                                                                                                          管控办法对 23 种供应商“违规”行为给予“黄色
                                                                                                                                                                                      of regulations” as red card behaviors and red card behaviors.
                                                                                                                                      预警”或“红色警告”。收到“红色警告”的供应商半                        Suppliers receiving a red card are not allowed to participate in
                                                                                                                                                                                      the bidding activities of the enterprise and are excluded from
                                                                                                                                                                                      the candidates for excellent suppliers. Suppliers getting two red
                                                                                                                                      格;一年内收到两次“红色警告”的供应商列为不合格                        cards in a year are regarded as unqualified suppliers and are
                                                                                                                                                                                      eliminated from the list of suppliers.

            66  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                                                                                                                             共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  67
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