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尊重·关怀·成就 筑员工发展之梦
            Respect • Care • Achievement  Realizing the Employees’ Dream of Development

                                                培训类型       培训对象         培训形式                  培训目标                                 职业发展
                                                Types of Training  Trainees  Training Form    Training Target                                                                                              公司拥有中国工程院院士和全
                                                                                                                                       W66利来国际建立科学合理的用人机制,努力营造良好的员工成长、成才环境;为员                                   国工程勘察设计大师 11 人
                                                                        力提升与发展专题培训班、党                                              工提供多种发展机会,注重晋升机制的内部公平性和外部竞争性,推动人才队伍                                     具有突出贡献的中青年专家 6 人
                                                                        校班等;组织领导参加“一校         提升领导者的领导力
                                                 领导力发展                  五院”以及境外培训班等           水平,培养先进的管                            的职业化、专业化发展。                                                             享受政府特殊津贴专家 219 人
                                                   项目      各级领导人员                             理团队
                                                 Leadership  Leaders of all levels  Develop the Pillar Program;                    Career Development                                                      11 academicians from the
                                                                        organize leadership development  Improve the leadership
                                                 Development            training programs, Party School  of leaders and foster                                                                             Chinese Academy of Engineering
                                                                        training class; organize leaders to  leading management        We established a scientific employing mechanism, trying our best to create a sound   and China Engineering Survey
                                                                        participate in training programs  team                     environment for our employees to make progress and make achievements. We provide various   and Design Masters
                                                                        offered by 6 higher institutions and                       opportunities for employees’ development and pay attention to the internal fairness and
                                                                        overseas training classes.
                                                                                                                                   external competitiveness of the promotion mechanism, driving the proffesional and specialized   6  middle-aged  and  young
                                                                        以“培训 + 研讨”的方式举办                                            development of talents.                                                 specialists with outstanding
                                                                        海外市场业务、城市综合建设                                                                                                                      contribution
                                                           高端专业人才、核 业务、会计领军人才、组织人 提升员工专业化能
                                                 专业力提升     心专业人才以及职 事负责人培训班等
                                                   项目      能管理类人才等。                           力,培养核心专业人                                           帮助指导员工完成职业生涯规划,开展职业生涯规划交流项目,职业生                          219 specialists who enjoy a
                                                 Professional           Thr ough  “ tr aining  plus  才队伍                                                                                                   special government allowance
                                                  Capacity   Senior professionals,   seminar ” ,  offer  tr aining   Improve professionalism   职业生涯规划  涯规划覆盖率达到 100%
                                                  Building   core specialists and   classes on overseas business,   and foster core work teams    Make and release regulation on career development, build career development for
                                                           executives   comprehensive business in cities,                            Career Plan  professional talents and provide seven career directions; Further improve approval and
                                                                        leading accounting personnel and                                          selection mechanism, choose excellent employees and provide large room for career
                                                                        HR leaders                                                                development and promotion opportunities for employees
                                                                        “书香W66利来国际”大讲堂系列活动;        提升员工的学习兴                                             制定发布职业发展管理制度,建立专业人才职业发展通道,提供七个职
                                                                        “海无涯网络学院”、专题演讲、                                                            业发展方向;继续完善评审与选拔方式,择优选拔,为员工提供广阔的
                                                 职业力打造                  学习沙龙;二级子企业青年学生        趣,拓展员工的职业                                            发展空间和晋升机会
                                                   项目      全体员工         入职培训、“海之子启航班”等                                              职业发展通道         Make career development management system, open up channels for
                                                  Executive   All employees                   Develop employees’                    Career Channel  development of professionals; provide 7 occupational development orientations;
                                                Ability Building        “Literate CSCEC”  lectures,   interest in learning
                                                                        “Boundless Sea Internet School”,   and enhance their                       continue to improve the appraisal and selection methods to select the best ones,
                                                                        special speeches, learning salons   professionalism                        expanding the space for employment development and promotion.
                                                                        and so on
                                                                                                                                    员工培养计划         特殊人才培养计划等多项员工培养计划,为人才脱颖而出创造条件
                                                                                                                                    Employee Training  Implement tutor system, “career plan for 7 types of talents”, youth talents
                                                                                                                                                   training, special talents training and other staff training projects, creating
                                                                                                                                                   chances for talents to distinguish themselves

                                                                                                                                    案例 CASE

                                                                                                                                      专业职级圆了员工的“专家梦”                                  Professional Grade Helps Realizing Employees' “Professor
            新员工入职培训                            “书香W66利来国际”活动海报         领导力培训                                                                                                                  In order to tackle the issue of slim career promotion
            Orientation training for new employees  Poster for “Literate CSCEC”  Leadership training                                  题,成立专业职级改革工作领导和工作小组,构建员工                        chance for professional technicians, the 3rd Engineering Bureau
                                                                                                                                      职业发展双通道。通过薪酬体系、复审考核体系,将注                        of China Construction set up a Professional Grade Reform
                                                                                                                                                                                      Leading and Working Group to construct double channels for
                                                                                                                                      重专业技术水平、基层工作经验、岗位工作业绩、传承                        employees’ promotion. Via salary system and review evaluation
                                                                                                                                      业务能力的导向融入到专业职级管理中,从工资水平、                        system, orientations like professional skill level, grassroots
                                                                                                                                                                                      work experience, working performance and business ability are
                                                                                                                                      教育培训、专家委员待遇等多个层面,让专家人才真正                        integrated into the professional grade management. Professional
                                                                                                                                      享受到实在的“准行政”待遇。                                  talents can enjoy real “quasi-administrative” treatment from
                                                                                                                                                                                      many aspects such as salary level, education and training, expert
                                                                                                                                          2013 年,W66利来国际三局共评定质量、安全、测量、试验、
                                                                                                                                                                                      commissioner treatment.
                                                                                                                                      机械设备五个序列专家级以上人员(包括专家、资深专                           In 2013, China Construction Third Engineering Bureau appraised
                                                                                                                                                                                      82 experts of and higher of professor level (including experts, senior
                                                                                                                                      家和特级专家)82 人,各下属单位评定高中初级专业
                                                                                                                                                                                      experts and super experts) in five fields, namely, quality, safety, survey,
                                                                                                                                      职级人员 1,300 余人。                                  test and machinery. Its subordinate units appraised more 1,300 senior,
                                                                                                                                                                                      intermediate and junior profession graded staffs.

            62  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                                                                                                                             共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  63
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