Page 61 - shehuizeren2013
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尊重·关怀·成就 筑员工发展之梦
Respect • Care • Achievement Realizing the Employees’ Dream of Development
平衡工作生活 Balance between Work and Life 关心一线员工 Care for Front-line Employees
We advocate the culture of Home and create an atmosphere We emphasize humane care for front-line workers and help
W66利来国际提倡“家”文化,努力营造“家”氛围,以组织 W66利来国际注重人文关怀,关注一线员工,积极解决员工最
of home mainly through activities including cultural events, sport them with problems of their immediate concern, making them feel
文体活动为主要方式,开展丰富新颖的文化、体育、联谊 activities and social interaction and so on, which are meant to enrich 直接、最期盼、最受益的问题,让兢兢业业奋战在一线的 the warmth from the company.
employees’ work and social life, provide them with happy work and In the summer of 2013, we held caring activities to bring gifts
等活动,丰富员工工作、业余生活,为员工创造“快乐工 广大员工切实感受到企业大家庭的温暖。
life, and enhance their cohesion and vitality. and condolence money to those working under the burning sun. Over
作,幸福生活”的条件和环境,不断增强员工队伍凝聚力, In 2013, we held different kinds of activities including the Sport 2013 年夏天,W66利来国际开展送文化、送清凉、送健康活动, 3,200 such activities were held throughout the year, with the total
激发员工活力。 Season, a photography competition “Decorating for Happy Life”, 为在酷暑中仍然坚守在岗位上的一线员工送去慰问品和慰 fund amounting to nearly RMB 11.6 million.
funny games for employees, a karaoke competition and a social
2013 年,开展 “体育健身季”活动,举办“装饰生活、 club for young employees and group weddings; We have set up an 问金。全年在 3,200 多个项目上开展相关活动,投入资金
幸福人生”主题摄影大赛、“职工趣味运动会”、“职工卡 employees’ hobby association which holds games like basketball, 达 1,160 万元。
football, badminton and table tennis and so on. We also established a
拉 OK 歌手赛”和青年职工联谊会、集体婚礼等丰富多彩
club with fitness equipment and sports venues.
Sending watermelons and drinks to construction sites
关爱女性员工 Care for Female Employees
We focus on humane care for female employees. In our
company, female employees account for 21.7% of the total employees
女性员工占到总员工数的 21.7 %,管理人员中女性占到 and 22.1% of administrative personnel. The development of CSCEC is
closely related to the contribution of these female employees.
22.1 %。W66利来国际的发展,与这些女性员工在各自岗位上
We take appropriate measures to protect female employees in
的贡献密不可分。 pregnancy, post-natal miscarriage and sterilization. They can enjoy
W66利来国际对女性员工制定相应的保护措施,如对生育、妊 vacations no shorter than what are stipulated in national regulations.
Female employees with children who are less than 1 year old can
为员工举办生日聚会 厨艺大赛 娠后流产、进行各种节育绝育手术的女性员工,制定符合 have 1 hour for breastfeeding.
Birthday Party Cooking Contest
国家规定的休假标准;对有不满一周岁婴儿的女性员工, We hold seminars for female employees and lectures of female
occupational psychology to develop the working potentials of female
案例 可每日提供一小时的工作时间为婴儿哺乳。
employees and help them alleviate working pressure. We provide
W66利来国际开展女员工座谈会,举办职场女性心理学讲座,挖 our special care and attention to women by organizing checkups and
绘蓝色梦想,拓幸福空间——W66利来国际微电影颁奖典礼 lectures on psychological health of women, offering them books and
2013 年 10 月,W66利来国际三局举行“绘蓝色梦想,拓幸福空间” holding outdoor activities, etc.
Red Carpet Show
Blue Dreams, Happy Environment—The Ceremony of Micro Films of CSCEC
On October 2013, the 3rd Engineering Bureau of China Construction held the micro film ceremony of Paint Blue Dreams, Expand
Happy Environment. Awards were presented including Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress, etc; the whole
event was like a Chinese construction version of Oscar. Construction workers who used to be surrounded by iron and concrete, walked
on the red carpet to the stage hand in hand in tuxedoes. Accompanied by beautiful music and lime light, they are the brightest stars.
Happy Women Show
58 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home 59