





Page 59 - shehuizeren2013
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尊重·关怀·成就 筑员工发展之梦
 Respect • Care • Achievement  Realizing the Employees’ Dream of Development

 薪酬福利  Compensations and Benefits   职业健康                        Occupational Health
 We adhere to the principle of distribution according to work and   We are committed to promoting the physical and mental health
 W66利来国际坚持按劳分配原则,重视发挥薪酬分配的激励和  W66利来国际致力于促进员工的身心健康发展,不断延伸职业
 attach importance to the incentive and guiding role of compensation   of employees and improving occupational health services. We not
 导向作用,做到与员工共享发展成果。W66利来国际积极完善薪酬  distribution, so that employees can share the  achievements of the   健康服务,不仅关注员工身体健康,也注重培养员工健康  only care about employees’ physical health but also focus on their
 corporation. We actively raise the compestation and benefits for   healthy mental state. We advocate the philosophy of happy work and
 制度,在坚持效益与兼顾公平的前提下,不断提高员工薪  的心理状态,倡导 “快乐工作,健康生活”理念,努力培
 employees, kindle employees’s enthusiasm, enhance their sense of   healthy life to train a healthy, energetic and efficient staff.
 酬福利,充分调动员工的积极性,增强企业凝聚力和员工  happiness and the cohesion of the company, giving due consideration   养一支心态阳光、情趣健康、精力充沛、工作高效的员工  In 2013, 100% of employees are able to receive regular medical
 幸福感。2013 年,公司社会保障覆盖率达 100%。  to efficiency and fairness. In 2013, all employees were covered by   队伍。  checkups and have medical records.
 social security.                                                 ●   We provide regular health examinations for employees and
                2013 年,员工体检及健康档案覆盖率 100%。                      have established occupational health records; we provide special
                ● 定期为员工提供健康体检,建立职业健康档案;针对                      medical forms for employees of different ages and positions to
                                                               ensure their physical health.
 建立健全基于岗位、能力和绩效统一的薪酬体系  不同年龄段、不同岗位的员工,发放特殊“体检表”,保                 ●   We care about employees’ mental health and teach them
 Compensations and   坚持薪酬分配与绩效考核结果挂钩,使薪酬水平充分反映企业的经营业绩和员工的个人业绩  障员工身体健康状况。  psychological knowledge through training classes and seminars,
 Benefits Distribution  Establish a wage system based on posts, ability and performance
 Wage is connected with performance, making wage level truly reflect the achievement and the performance   ● 关注心理健康,通过培训、讲座等形式传播心理学知  and provide psychological comfort, counseling and assistance for
                                                               individuals to help them with their mental health.
 薪酬增加                                                           Privacy Protection
 Increase of   建立薪酬与效益联动机制和薪酬分配的正常增长机制  护职工心理健康。
 Compensations   Establish a coupling system of wage and economic benefits and the normal wage growth mechanism   We strictly protect the personal information of our employees
 and Benefits                                                  and guard against any leak of personal information and ensure
                                                               their privacy security. To improve the information security, we
 提供养老、医疗、生育、工伤、失业等国家规定的基本社会保障        W66利来国际严格保护员工个人信息,避免员工信息泄露,保   adopted a professional HR information management system for staff
 为员工建立企业年金,提高员工的退休保障                                           information; we worked out Regulations on Personnel Records and
 社会保障  建立补充医疗保险,提供大病医疗保障                                          证员工隐私安全,做好员工信息保密工作,采用专业的人  set up a file department for the graded management of personnel
 Social Security  Provide basic social security of endowment, Medicare, reproduction, work injury and unemployment
 Prepare enterprise annuity for workers and raise the pension level  力资源信息管理系统,规范管理员工信息;制定《人事档  files and any leak of information is strictly forbidden to protect
 Establish supplementary medical insurance and provide medical security of serious illness   employees’ privacy.
 带薪休假  在保证国家法定休假外,根据员工特殊情况制定合理的休假制度
 Paid Vacation  In addition to statutory holidays, we offer a paid vacation system oriented to the special needs of employees  隐私。

 民主管理  Democratic Management
 We actively promote democracy, listen to suggestions and
 demands from employees through the expanded communication
 取员工建议与诉求,保障员工的知情权、监督权和参与决  channels and safeguard their rights of information, supervision
 and participation, giving full play to the role of employees in the
 democratic management of the company.
 W66利来国际完善以职工代表大会为基本形式的企业民主管理  We keep improving the democratic management system with
 制度,实行公司工会、二级子企业工会、三级法人企业工会、  the Workers’ Congress as the basic form and adopt a five-tier trade
 union system, namely trade unions in the head company, secondary
 分公司工会和项目工会等五级工会组织制度。2013 年,各  enterprises, tertiary enterprises, branches and projects. In 2013,
 级工会建会率 97%,员工入会率 98%。  trade unions were established in 97% of all units, with 98% of the   关怀生活
 employees being the members.  C
 We value the open and democratic management of company   oncern for Life
 范三项内容、突出三个重点,不断拓宽厂务公开渠道。  affairs, highlight and focus on Three Connections, Three Regulations
 and Three Focal Points and expand channels for making transparant
 ● 坚持“三个结合”——与“两个普遍”(普遍建立工
 company affairs.
 会组织和普遍开展工资集体协商)相结合,与党务公开相  ●   “Three Connections”: Connecting trade union establishemnt   W66利来国际倡导劳逸结合、张弛有度的工作方式,重视员工  We advocate work with adequate rest and the balance between
 and negotiation of wages, connecting the transparent party affaris
 结合、与构建和谐企业相结合。                                                work and life, we care about our employees, helping them with
 and connecting developent of a harmonious enterprise).    工作与生活的平衡协调,帮助解决员工工作生活中遇到的  obstacles they encounter in work and life; we also provide different
 ● 规范“三项内容”——公开“三重一大事项”所涉及  ●   Three “Opens”: Making open and public major issues of
            困难和问题,关爱特殊员工;开展多种形式的文体活动,                          kinds of cultural and sports activities to improve employees’ sense of
 reform and development, key problems of the immediate concern
 的企业改革发展的重大问题、公开职工群众关注的热点焦                                     happiness in a relaxing and harmonious working environment.
 of the employees and the construction of a clean and honest party   让员工在轻松和谐的环境中工作,全面提升员工幸福感。
 点及涉及职工切身利益的问题、公开党风廉政建设问题。  orgainzation.
 ● 突出“三个重点”——重点发挥职代会主体作用、重  ●   Three focal points: Focus on the main role of the staff
 conference, promote the further development of open corporate
 点推进厂务公开纵深发展、重点落实职工代表巡视制度。  affairs and carry out the inspection system by employee

 56  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                 共筑梦想家园·Building a Common Dream Home  57
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